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Importance of Health assessment for pregnant women

Health assessment is important to every pregnant woman. Even it is important to everyone.
What is health assessment?
It is very important to know what health assessment is. Through physical examinations or other procedures detection of diseases early in people who look or feel well is called Health assessment, it is different from diagnostic tests, diagnostic tests are advised by expert (doctors) when someone is already showing signs and/or symptoms of a disease.

Role of health assessment in pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most important events that occur during our lives and it needs a lot of emotional and physical preparation. Three trim
ester of pregnancy is a very short span for first-time parents to learn the many important facts about keeping a child healthy before, during, and after birth. 
For this we need some special kind of Health assistants for expectant mothers to maintain their health and their unborn babies. Health assistants help mothers who are expecting, to avoid and recognize health problems that might present before, during, or after birth. The specialists help mothers to learn and implement healthy habits during pregnancy and after too. They start helping people by assessment of their health right from the point when a couple thinks to have a child.
Here health assessment has a major role because as told above both parents can look well but may be during pregnancy mother and child can develop any tendency or a bad symptom of any new disease. Health assessment can mark that coming problems of future and 
provide a solution even in present time , or tricks to avoid that problems in coming future.
Health assessment plays a useful role in pregnancy when a pregnant woman has any chronic disease like diabetes etc too, it can provide her the right diet, routine and medication before or in starting of pregnancy.