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Showing posts with label #BMI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BMI. Show all posts

After how many months of pregnancy will my belly come out?

One of the first thing that you’d end up asking yourself once you’re pregnant is that “When will I look pregnant?”. When it comes to growth of the belly, it’s different for everybody, there is no certainty.

In some women baby bump can be seen as early as in the 3rd month of their pregnancy, others can spot a real difference from 5th month onwards. It is worth noting that in some women, the belly isn’t clearly visible even if they are well in their second trimester.

First-time mums can begin developing baby bump as early as 12-14 weeks of their pregnancies. However, if this ain’t your first delivery, the belly comes out much earlier as muscles present in the womb and belly have already been stretched in lieu of your last pregnancy.

What makes the belly really grow is the expanding uterus around your body’s pelvic girdle. Also, the amniotic fluid also boosts up in this phase of your pregnancy which, in turn, grows the belly further. Some of the most crucial factors that determine the when you will start looking pregnant are mother’s age, first pregnancy, mother’s weight, genetic factors, uterus positioning, water retention and more.

A mother’s age is one of the most important factors when we talk about the visibility of the belly or baby bump. The belly is visible earlier in older mothers. Young mothers have stronger muscles around their abdomen. Fascia is a band made of fibrous tissue. It gets stretched well during your first pregnancy. Thus, for your subsequent pregnancies, you’ll tend to develop baby bump early.
Also, the weight of the mother is taken into consideration too. If the mother is overweight, the belly may be visible a few weeks later than the normal 12-14 weeks of time. Also, mothers with a retroverted uterus tend to develop baby bump which appears later.

Similarly, women with anteverted uterus tend to develop visible belly as soon as in their first trimester. It goes without saying that there is a huge difference between knowing that you’re pregnant and having a telltale baby bump. You should understand that at 12 weeks of time, your growing uterus can’t just hide inside the pelvis. Thus, it starts protruding into the abdomen. Women having body mass index (BMI) lesser than 25 tend to experience earlier belly bumps.
There might be a case when you’re carrying twins! In that scenario, your uterus will be double the capacity.

Hence, it is pretty obvious that you’ll start developing a visible belly much earlier. Again, your body’s height, number of pregnancies, abdominal strength and BMI will still come into play. Longer midsections are pretty common in taller women, hence there is more room for the baby to grow, therefore the uterus protrudes later.

The second trimester in the pregnancy phase is the most comfortable one- morning sickness has reduces significantly, you feel light and energized with a cute little belly bump to show the world.

What happens when only one line shows on a pregnancy test?

If you are looking at your Home Pregnancy Test result, that means you are looking forward to some good news!!! Yay

A home Pregnancy test is the best way to delight ourselves with the sweetness of the news which leaves you with butterflies in the stomach. Trust me, this is exactly how you will feel.

When using a home pregnancy test kit, if you see a light pink line adjacent to the dark pink line, then yes, you are pregnant. Even if the second is very light, the result is still “Positive”.

But, if the test shows a single line in dark pink color, then the result is negative, that means you’re not pregnant.

These home pregnancy kits are not really accurate and we cannot completely depend on the results because some strips turn out to be defective and the lines might not be visible. In this case, it’s better to take the pregnancy test more than once. Also, you should read the test results within the time frame that is mentioned in the instructions booklet you get along with the testing Kit.

The other reasons for the one line on the Home Pregnancy Kit could be that the Kit is expired. It’s very important to check the expiry date on the Kit. Since these Kits uses a chemical to detect HCG level in the urine, the chemical has an expiry date too and hence the inaccurate results.

There is every possibility of getting a negative result from a home pregnancy test when you are pregnant.

1. This happens when you take a home pregnancy test, just after one day of your missed menstrual cycle. For accurate results, please wait at least one week after your missed menstrual cycle.

2. If you wait for a longer time before checking the test results, urine on the test can evaporate and may show you two lines instead of one line.

3. If your urine gets diluted, i.e. if you take the test later in the day after finishing your breakfast or drinking water, the Kit may give you a negative result. The best results show up when it’s the first urine of the morning.

When you want to take a pregnancy test, make sure that you are following with the instructions given on Kit and do it right. I strongly suggest taking the home pregnancy test at least twice for the best results before you visit a gynecologist.

If you still think you are pregnant even after multiple negative results, consult your doctor.

If you’re not pregnant and you are still missing your menstrual cycle for a longer time, then it’s time to see a doctor. The reasons could be thyroid, low BMI, cists in ovaries which are known by the team polycystic ovarian disease, etc. Sometimes, stress also plays a major role so worry less and see a gynecologist who can help you treat the issues.

So, one line on the pregnancy test Kit should not bother you much as this can be taken care by consulting a gynecologist and following the prescribed medical help.