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Showing posts with label #healthy pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #healthy pregnancy. Show all posts

What are the exercises during pregnancy?

Being fit during your pregnancy period is an essential part of your journey. You can educate your family by impressing upon them the need and benefits of exercise during pregnancy which are enumerated as follows:

• Exercise for energy: Pregnancy can deplete energy. Exercises such as walking strengthen and tone the muscles and rejuvenate women to carry on with their day-to-day tasks with lesser strain. Additionally, exercise improves overall blood circulation and keeps energy levels high.

• Exercise for easier labor: Childbirth is a difficult process and exercise during pregnancy will help increase flexibility, endurance, and muscle control which are necessary for labor and delivery, thereby helpful in an easier labor.

• Exercise to reduce pregnancy-associated discomfort: Pregnancy is accompanied by minor aches and pains. Exercises such as muscle stretches, walking, swimming, etc., strengthen various parts of the body like the back and abdominal muscles.

• Exercise to prepare you and your body for birth: Strong muscles and a fit heart can greatly ease labor and delivery. Gaining control over your breathing can help you manage pain. And in the event of a lengthy labor, increased endurance can be a real help.

• Strengthening muscle groups: Muscle groups that are most important to exercise during pregnancy. The three muscle groups that a pregnant woman should target are 

A) Abdominal muscles: Strengthening of these muscles will make it easier to support the increasing weight of the baby. 
B) Pelvic muscles: Strengthening of these muscles will permit the Vagina to widen more easily during childbirth and also prevent urinary problems (leaking urine when you cough or sneeze) after delivery. 
C) Back muscles: Strengthening of back muscles will improve the posture and minimize the strain of pregnancy on the lower back and help prevent discomfort caused by poor posture.

• Exercise to reduce stress: Pregnancy is a mixture of elation and anxiety and pregnant women often find themselves swinging from one to the other, which can be quite stressful. Physical exercises increase mood-elevating chemicals in the brain and thereby reduce pregnancy-related blues.

• Exercise to look better: Exercise increases the blood flow to your skin, giving you a healthy glow

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test during implantation bleeding?

In simpler terms, a random pregnancy test will usually come out positive as soon as implantation bleeding start, but it still may take days.

Implantation bleeding is a process where ovum’s invasion into your body’s endometrial lining happens. Breaking and affection of associated blood vessels, in turn, produce the implantation bleeding.

Now, to be certain about the pregnancy, women can take home pregnancy tests or can also visit the clinic to be absolutely sure. Yes, you can definitely get tested for pregnancy during the implantation bleeding period.

As your urine and even the blood will be containing HCG pregnancy hormone, you will be tested positive if you’re really pregnant.

A majority of pregnancy tests out there claims that you can take them even before your missed period.

However, it gets a lot difficult to confirm if you’re really pregnant when you get a negative pregnancy test during the early days of a missed period. Women might confuse implantation bleeding with that of a period of bleeding.

Neither implantation bleeding is associated with any pain, nor it results in heavy bleeding. There’s this reason why practitioner or your doctor will ask you whether your last period was normal or not. It is best to only test yourself for pregnancy after you’ve missed your period.

As mentioned earlier, it usually takes 48 to 72 hours for HCG to be produced in enough volumes so that the same can be detected by pregnancy test kits. Thus, you can get access to more accurate results.

If you have performed a test during your implantation bleeding and it’s negative, don’t freak out! Just wait for a couple of days and you are good to go to test again.

As high as 75% of home pregnancy test kits will give you a positive result on the day you missed your period considering the fact that you’re really pregnant. You might have to re-test after a day or two in case you get a negative result.

Thus, it is advised to test yourself for pregnancy post 4-5 days you miss your period.

Also, blood pregnancy tests are known for being highly accurate. If you’re really pregnant, it will take a maximum of 3 days after the implantation period to be tested positive for sure.

Some of the factors that determine whether a home pregnancy test will be positive are the timing of the implantation, urine HCG level, blood HCG level as well as pregnancy test sensitivity.

HCG hormone level in your blood or urine depends on how many days have passed after fertilization. For the first eight weeks of the pregnancy, the levels of HCG increase twice after every 48-72 hours.

Hence, we can say after the 3-5 days of implantation, you will be able to get the most accurate results about your pregnancy.

What are the problems faced by women after pregnancy?

Your body has been through quite the ordeal to give birth to your baby, and you will need adequate time to recover. With a normal, vaginal birth you will bleed for a few weeks following birth as well as feel pain in the genital area (especially if you tore during delivery). You may also experience hemorrhoids (due to pushing), and lower back pain for about 3 months following delivery. A cesarean section, on the other hand, will have additional itching and scarring to deal with for at least 4-weeks. Incision pain can last up to 8 weeks. (pregnancy symptoms week by week) You will also have to refrain from sex and halt any exercise for at least 10 weeks.
1. Breastfeeding is a very unique thing women feel especially for the first time mums. 2. You will start to feel hair loss. 3. Body changes are quite common in pregnancy. 4. Skin discoloration happens with some percentage of women. 5. Belly size increases 6. Your breast size increases.

What are the problems faced by women after pregnancy?

Your body has been through quite the ordeal to give birth to your baby, and you will need adequate time to recover. With a normal, vaginal birth you will bleed for a few weeks following birth as well as feel pain in the genital area (especially if you tore during delivery). You may also experience hemorrhoids (due to pushing), and lower back pain for about 3 months following delivery. A cesarean section, on the other hand, will have additional itching and scarring to deal with for at least 4-weeks. Incision pain can last up to 8 weeks. (baby weight chart) You will also have to refrain from sex and halt any exercise for at least 10 weeks.
1. Breastfeeding is a very unique thing women feel especially for the first time mums.
2. You will start to feel hair loss.
3. Body changes are quite common in pregnancy.
4. Skin discoloration happens with some percentage of women.
5. Belly size increases.
6. Your breast size increases.

What are the tips for a healthy baby and an easier pregnancy?

A mother‘s delight starts when she hears that little heartbeats of her baby and those frolicsome kicks that keep her loneliness apart. The curiosity of mothers always stirs just to know how her baby is growing, is he fine? As the pregnancy starts some tips are always to be kept in mind ensuring that whatever you are going to entertain, complete impact on your baby is there.
1. Keep yourself Happy and in a cheerful mood
2. Always make sure you take Prenatal Vitamins
3. Don’t load on extra calories with the fact that you have to eat for your baby also, as it can lead to Gestational Diabetes and Obesity.
4. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and keep yourself away from any sort of infections.
5. Go for brisk walking daily to ensure a healthy pregnancy, so that it is easy for you to reduce postpartum.
6. Avoid Pineapple and Papaya completely.
7. Yoga and Meditation are the best choices you should opt for.
8. Prep you're skin so as to get rid of stretch marks and avoid them.
9. Avoid overeating which can cause heartburn.

10. Surround yourself with positivity, start some stories, read books and take sufficient sleep

A healthy pregnancy starts with you, (ovulation test) initiate to the best and trust me the moment you hold your baby in your arms would be the most precious one of all.

How Many Days Post Ovulation Pregnancy Test?

In order to know how many days post your ovulation, you should be taking a pregnancy test. It is important to understand the process of ovulation, conception, and implantation. It is also important that you understand about the formation of the hCG hormone. And how does the home-pregnancy test detect pregnancy?
When the dominant follicle ruptures. The egg released from the ovary and into the close fallopian tube. It takes up to a maximum of 24 hours for the egg to fertilize. In case there are sperms in the fallopian tube and penetrates with fresh egg then this leads to conception.
In the following days, the egg gets fertilized. And into the uterus and it then starts to implant in the uterine lining. The fertilized egg is the embryo. After the implantation stage, the placenta secretes the hCG that is a popular hormone in pregnancy. The process of implantation happens around six to twelve days after ovulation.
How is pregnancy detected?
In the early weeks after implantation takes place, the hCG hormone doubles in every 48 to 72 hours.  A non-pregnant woman will have an hCG level of 5 mIU/ml however after conceiving hCG level rises to50 mIU/ml. This is a good increase in level and the hormone is secreted in her blood. When you do a home pregnancy test this is what detects the pregnancy.
When should the pregnancy test be done?
Now that you understand the conception process, the pregnancy test should not be taken before 7 days of ovulation. The ideal pregnancy test days after ovulation, around 7 to 10 days after ovulation. This lets you confirm your pregnancy.
However, if you take the pregnancy test early then there is a chance that the result will be false. It is also important that you have calculated the ovulation date accurately. If not accurate because of the low hCG level and no impanation has occurred. Thus it is advised that you wait at least 7 to 10 days after ovulation before you check for a positive pregnancy.
In case you take the test on the seventh day after ovulation and the result shows as negative, you may want to test it again after a few days just to be doubly sure about it.
You may also decide to wait until you notice some early signs of pregnancy before you take a pregnancy test. This includes implantation bleeding, swollen or tender breasts, tiredness, aversions or food cravings. If you observe any of these signs in the 7 to 10 days after your ovulation, then you should definitely get a pregnancy test done.

I'm late on my period, and I took a pregnancy test and it reads negative…what can be wrong?

A urine pregnancy test detects only the presence of hCG. The amount of hCG in your urine can change over the course of the day depending on how much you drink and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. If your urine is too diluted, the amount of hCG may be inadequate for a positive result. Yes, a false negative pregnancy test can happen when testing is done too early or there is not enough hCG in the urine sample. It is important to follow the test instructions carefully. Your hCG level may be below the test’s hCG threshold. Or implantation may have occurred later, which will delay a positive result.

How can we check pregnancy?

There are many different types of home pregnancy tests (HPTs). Most drugstores sell HPTs over the counter. They are inexpensive. But the cost depends on the brand and how many tests come in the box.

Most HPTs work in a similar way. Many instruct the user to hold a stick in the urine stream. Others involve collecting urine in a cup and then dipping the stick into it. At least one brand tells the woman to collect urine in a cup and then use a dropper to put a few drops of the urine into a special container. Then the woman needs to wait a few minutes. Different brands instruct the woman to wait different amounts of time. Once the time has passed, the user should inspect the "result window." If a line or plus symbol appears, you are pregnant. It does not matter how faint the line is. A line, whether bold or faint, means the result is positive. New digital tests show the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant.” Most tests also have a "control indicator" in the result window. This line or symbol shows whether the test is working properly. If the control indicator does not appear, the test is not working properly. You should not rely on any results from an HPT that may be faulty.

Most brands tell users to repeat the test in a few days, no matter what the results. One negative result (especially soon after a missed period) does not always mean you're not pregnant. All HPTs come with written instructions. Most tests also have toll-free phone numbers to call in case of questions about use or results.

Which is the correct month for intake of folic acid during pregnancy?

Folic acid is a B vitamin that has been shown to reduce the risk of spina bifida. 1 mg (1000 micrograms) is recommended during the month prior to pregnancy and for the first 2 months after conception to reduce this risk.

More folic acid may be recommended if you have a personal or family history of spina bifida including a prior affected child. A prenatal vitamin is a general multivitamin with 800-1000 micrograms of folic acid, as well as calcium and iron. Most women continue their vitamins after the second month to help reduce anemia and make up for any imperfections in the diet. If you are not anemic and eat a well-balanced diet, stopping prenatal vitamins at 2 months of pregnancy is acceptable.

After 12 weeks the baby begins to make bone and will draw the necessary calcium from your bones. To prevent bone loss 1000-1500 mg of calcium is recommended. This equates to 4-5 servings of milk, yogurt or dairy. Since this is difficult to consume, take a calcium supplement (usually 500-600 mg) to make up the difference. Don’t take calcium and iron (in the multivitamin) at the same time as they can offset each other’s absorption. While calcium citrate (“Citracal”) is the best absorbed, other types of calcium such as fruit flavored “Tums” and “Viactiv” (chocolate flavored) may be more appealing.

 If you eat fish 3 times weekly you are getting plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids, or Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). If not, take a supplement containing 200mg of DHA (from fish oil or flax seed oil). There is a growing body of evidence that EFA deficiency may contribute to a number of pregnancy complications including preterm labor and pre-eclampsia. EFAs may help fetal eye and brain development, may improve mom’s skin, hair, and nails and are also passed into breast milk. Prenatal vitamins are vital in the wake of the increased demands of pregnancy. Growing a new person isn’t easy on your body, and you will require additional vitamins and minerals in your diet—like folic acid, calcium, and iron—for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Rather than just selecting a prenatal vitamin yourself, talk to your doctor or midwife about if you need a special formulation (i.e., in cases of anemia or nutritional deficiencies), and if a tablet, capsule, or liquid prenatal vitamin will work most efficiently.