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Showing posts with label #walking exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #walking exercise. Show all posts

What are some stress management tips for pregnant women?

For a mom-to-be, it is normal to be stressed about the changes happening in their life & body. If they are stressed once in a while, it may not cause any harm to their baby. But if they are stressed day in & day out, it’s better to visit your doctor for help. Extreme stress can increase the chances of premature birth as well as low birth weight. Reducing stress during pregnancy can help you enjoy this period which can be done by following the tips mentioned below:
• Tip 1: Laughter Laughter is a great way to reduce stress during pregnancy as well as normally.
• Tip 2: Visitors Invite your family & friends to visit you during pregnancy. They will help to provide you with support, socializing, chatting and laughter.
• Tip 3: Walking It is the best exercise to be done during pregnancy. Consult with your doctor about taking walks. Try a brisk walk in the morning or before work which will make you feel more energetic & less stressed.
• Tip 4: Pregnancy Diary It is fun & helpful to keep a pregnancy diary which helps to relieve your stress. Also, you can show it to your child when they grow older.
• Tip 5: Drink water during pregnancy, your body remains dehydrated from sickness & loss of appetite. Drinking plenty of water not only makes your body hydrated & healthy but also stress-free as your body is plenty of fluids.
• Tip 6: Naps during pregnancy, your body needs extra energy as the baby is growing inside your body followed by a number of changes. It is advised to take a nap of 30 minutes to an hour during the middle of the day to reduce stress.

• Tip 7: Foot Soaks during pregnancy, your feet may swell or sore due to extra weight. It feels wonderful to soak your feet in warm water for 30 minutes in a comfortable position. It is one of the best tips for stress reduction.

What is the cause of diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy?

Diabetes is a condition in which the sugar in your blood is more than what is normal. If you didn’t have diabetes before conceiving and developed it during your pregnancy due to various hormonal changes during your gestation, it is called gestational diabetics or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). If your testing confirms gestational diabetes, our first approach is conservative. Nutritional adjustments and adding a comfortable exercise regimen like daily walking may be all that some women require. Home monitoring of your blood sugar with a glucose monitor is also often provided. If necessary, medication is recommended. The food you consume passes through your digestive system and undergoes many processes and reactions and gets broken down into glucose, which is a type of sugar.

This glucose that enters your blood is converted into energy with the help of a hormone called Insulin. The cells in our body use this energy to function. The normal blood sugar ranges will be- Fasting- 70-100mg/dl 1 hour after meals- less than 140mg/dl When you are pregnant, due to various hormonal changes, the production of insulin by the pancreas is disturbed. For some pregnant ladies insulin produced is not sufficient enough to turn the glucose into energy. The unused glucose builds up resulting in high sugar levels in the blood. A high sugar level in blood is nothing but diabetes. Usually, gestational diabetes doesn’t show any symptoms. But sometimes you may feel thirstier, your trips to pee may increase, your mouth may be dry and you may get infections like thrush more often.

Sometimes blurred vision too. But often such physical changes like more wee and thirst are common when you are pregnant and so it is difficult to find out if you have diabetes just by looking at the symptoms. If you have high blood pressure your chance of getting diabetes during pregnancy is high. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, don’t worry much because the majority of ladies deliver healthy babies and have normal gestation if the diabetes is controlled with dietary changes and medications as per your doctor’s advice. But if not treated properly some problems (doctors will tell you) can occur to your pregnancy/delivery and your baby.