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Showing posts with label #early prenatal care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #early prenatal care. Show all posts

How Many Days Post Ovulation Pregnancy Test?

In order to know how many days post your ovulation, you should be taking a pregnancy test. It is important to understand the process of ovulation, conception, and implantation. It is also important that you understand about the formation of the hCG hormone. And how does the home-pregnancy test detect pregnancy?
When the dominant follicle ruptures. The egg released from the ovary and into the close fallopian tube. It takes up to a maximum of 24 hours for the egg to fertilize. In case there are sperms in the fallopian tube and penetrates with fresh egg then this leads to conception.
In the following days, the egg gets fertilized. And into the uterus and it then starts to implant in the uterine lining. The fertilized egg is the embryo. After the implantation stage, the placenta secretes the hCG that is a popular hormone in pregnancy. The process of implantation happens around six to twelve days after ovulation.
How is pregnancy detected?
In the early weeks after implantation takes place, the hCG hormone doubles in every 48 to 72 hours.  A non-pregnant woman will have an hCG level of 5 mIU/ml however after conceiving hCG level rises to50 mIU/ml. This is a good increase in level and the hormone is secreted in her blood. When you do a home pregnancy test this is what detects the pregnancy.
When should the pregnancy test be done?
Now that you understand the conception process, the pregnancy test should not be taken before 7 days of ovulation. The ideal pregnancy test days after ovulation, around 7 to 10 days after ovulation. This lets you confirm your pregnancy.
However, if you take the pregnancy test early then there is a chance that the result will be false. It is also important that you have calculated the ovulation date accurately. If not accurate because of the low hCG level and no impanation has occurred. Thus it is advised that you wait at least 7 to 10 days after ovulation before you check for a positive pregnancy.
In case you take the test on the seventh day after ovulation and the result shows as negative, you may want to test it again after a few days just to be doubly sure about it.
You may also decide to wait until you notice some early signs of pregnancy before you take a pregnancy test. This includes implantation bleeding, swollen or tender breasts, tiredness, aversions or food cravings. If you observe any of these signs in the 7 to 10 days after your ovulation, then you should definitely get a pregnancy test done.

What’s the best piece of advice you would give to pregnant women?

Pregnancy effectuates the origin of the unique notion of nature and beauty. It not only gives you immense joy but fills your heart with the desirousness to meet your little one. But the best thing to being kept in the mind is to “BE HAPPY “and positive and surround yourself with positivity. Pregnancy is the second birth of a woman to a mother. This journey of pregnancy is not less than a roller costar ride mixed with lots of emotions, joy, body changes, weight gain, and mood swings. Although God has created every person equally but has given some super natural powers to a woman which makes them highly potent. During your pregnancy, you will need someone to share your experiences, someone to talk to, in that case, you can hire a doula who can react to all your queries and profess you as her friend. Always make sure to eat well as you are eating for two, don’t forget to go for a regular checkup to see your small one growing. Exercise and meditate for sound sleep. And last but not the least “ALWAYS LOVE YOURSELF.”
Here are 10 pieces of pregnancy advice that you must follow:
  1. Stay away from myths: Being pregnant means millions of unwanted pregnancy advice from your relatives that are mostly myths. Your neighborly Aunt would tell you not to indulge in any physical activity as it can hurt your baby. The reality is physical activities are very important and beneficial for both fetus and mother.
  2. Do what you like: As long as it is not harmful and addictive in any way. Don’t kill your hobbies. Make time for it other than taking care of your pregnant belly. It is good to invest your time in something that makes you happy. Play, sing, dance or paint, do whatever you like to do. Don’t hold back.
  3. A big no to insecurities:  Pregnancy is a time where your body changes crucially, which is not favorable most of the time. It is totally normal! Do not stress out and feel insecure about your weight or looks. All of it is a part of motherhood and you will get over it once you deliver the baby. Stay patient and motivated. It is important to maintain your composure because no one else can help you better than you.
  4. Cut off alcohols and tobacco: Strictly maintain distance from alcohol and tobacco. Restrict any person in your proximity to stop taking tobacco as passive smoke can be harmful too. Even a little amount is dangerous for your baby.
  5. Eat healthily: It is essential to eat and drink only healthy food. You can give in to your craving sometimes but it is better to eat only healthy stuff.
  6. Exercise: Keep it slow but do exercise. It can help a lot while childbirth and will keep your anxious disturbing thoughts at bay.
  7. Visit a Gynecologist every month: Frequent visits to your doctor are beneficial to maintain a balance of your routine.
  8. Invest your time creatively: Read books, watch movies, play games or listen to songs. Keep yourself invested in creative. There are high chances of your baby to be creative then.
  9. Keep depressive thoughts away: Keep your depressive thoughts away by sharing the concerns with your loved ones. Stay close to the ones who care for you and talk your heart out to them. It is good to share your problems.
  10. Rest well: Try to sleep well. Resting well refreshes your mind making you a little less cranky through mood swings.
Pregnancy is a vigilant stage for you. The lack of experience may double up your responsibility. Don’t let the inexperience of pregnancy fail you to be the best mom for your baby. Try to incorporate all these steps in your routine. It is okay if you cannot follow every one of it. What matters the most is your emotional stability and health. These pieces of advice will help you to take care of yourself in the easiest way. All the best!

Why do I have trouble sleeping while pregnant?

The best sleep position during pregnancy is "SOS" (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby. Keep your legs and knees bent and a pillow between your legs.

 • If you find that you are having problems with back pain, use the "SOS" position and try placing a pillow under your abdomen as well.

 • If you are experiencing heartburn during the night, you may want to try propping your upper body with pillows.

 • In late pregnancy you may experience shortness of breath; try lying on your side or propped up with pillows.

 These suggestions may not sound completely comfortable, especially if you are used to sleeping on your back or stomach, but try them out and you may find that they work. Keep in mind that you may not stay in one position all night and rotating positions is fine.

 The following positions would be avoided:

 • Sleeping on your back: This can cause problems with backaches, breathing, digestive system, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and decrease in circulation to your heart and your baby. This is a result of your abdomen resting on your intestines and major blood vessels (the aorta and vena cava).
 • Sleeping on your stomach: When you are farther along in your pregnancy, your abdomen undergoes physical changes and makes it more difficult for you to lay on your stomach

Is it safe to eat king fish during pregnancy? What foods should be avoided and why?

Raw and undercooked egg - You should avoid raw, undercooked eggs as they contain harmful salmonella bacteria which cause food poisoning.

 Raw meat and poultry - undercooked and raw meat and poultry, such as pink or raw meat that is bloody contain Toxoplasma parasite and harmful bacteria Salmonella. Salmonella increases the risk of food poisoning and leads to miscarriage or fetal death during delivery also. You can eat homemade well-cooked and hot meat and poultry.

 Fish containing mercury:
 Mercury is highly toxin element and mainly found in polluted water. It can damage your nervous system, immune system, and kidneys and also cause serious developmental problems in children if consumed in the large amount. so it should be adviced not to take more than 1–2 servings per month. shark, swordfish, king mackerel, albacore tuna are high mercury fish.
 Eating low-mercury fish during pregnancy is very healthy, and it should be eaten twice a week. Fatty fish is also good for baby as it is high in omega-3 fatty acids.

 Unpasteurized Milk product and Fruit Juice unpasteurized milk and fruit juices contain an array of harmful bacteria, including Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter lead to bacterial contamination.
 Papaya and pineapple
 Papayas, especially the unripe and semi-ripe ones are rich in latex, which can cause uterine contractions and create complications.
 Pineapple contains bromelain, a type of enzyme, they can break down proteins in the body and lead to abnormal bleeding.

 caffeine intake should be to less than 200 mg per day, or about 2–3 cups of coffee while pregnancy, taking high caffeine during pregnancy should restrict fetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight at delivery.

 Alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. It can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, which involves facial deformities, heart defects, and mental retardation.

 Healtheoz HMom gives you complete guidance on pregnancy in terms of prenatal care, diet and exercise. You can completely rely on Healtheoz HMom to make your pregnancy journey easy going. You can get guided notification on baby's growth and food to be taken at different intervals.

Can an obese woman have a healthy pregnancy?

Being overweight or obese during pregnancy can cause problems for the baby. It gives rises to plenty of complications and it becomes more dangerous when you try to lose weight during pregnancy.

If you’re overweight or obese during pregnancy, you’re more likely to have these complications:

1. High blood pressure, preeclampsia and blood clotting: If you have high blood pressure your chance of getting diabetes during pregnancy is high
2.Gestational diabetes: If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, don’t worry much because the majority of ladies deliver healthy babies and have normal gestation if the diabetes is controlled with dietary changes and medications as per your doctor’s advice.
But if not treated properly some problems (doctors will tell you) can occur to your pregnancy/delivery and your baby.

3. Cesarean birth (also called c-section). This is surgery in which your baby is born through a cut that your doctor makes in your belly and uterus (womb).

If you’re obese, you’re more likely to have complications from a c-section, like an infection or losing too much blood. During pregnancy, do these things to help keep you and your baby healthy:

1. Get early and regular prenatal care. Prenatal care is the medical care you get during pregnancy. Go to every prenatal care checkup, even if you’re feeling fine. Your provider gives you prenatal tests, like a glucose screening test for diabetes and ultrasound to get a picture of your baby in the womb.

2. Talk to your provider about how much weight to gain during pregnancy. If you’re overweight, you want to gain about 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy. If you’re obese, your target range is 11 to 20 pounds.

3. Eat healthy foods. Talk to your provider or a nutritionist to help you plan your meals. Check out from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It can help you make a healthy eating plan based on your age, weight, height and physical activity. It also has a special section just for pregnant women.

4. Don’t diet. Some diets can reduce the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop. Don’t try to stay at the same weight or lose weight during pregnancy.

5. Do something active every day. Talk to your provider about activities that are safe for you.