As a matter of fact, almost every pregnancy test kit will show either a positive test result or a negative. Though, very occasionally it happens where a test doesn’t show any of the results.
Almost every test has a conclusive result as far as testing pregnancy is concerned. Now, there might be a case where a test gives out inconclusive result in case such as blood pregnancy testing. The inconclusive result means that the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) detected wasn’t enough to confirm the pregnancy or it was too high to record a negative result. There are certain factors that are associated with the inconclusiveness of a pregnancy test such as the timing of the test, a brief chemical pregnancy and even the use of fertility medications, respectively.
Whenever an inconclusive result comes out after testing through a home pregnancy test kit, it simply indicates retesting with another set of kit. One should understand that these kits work by evaluating HCG levels which should be around 20-25 milli-international units per millilitre.
For the most accurate results, the test must be done just after the missed period as it’d be more sensitive to the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels present in your urine or blood. There is no denying to the fact that some of the test kits are defective which often makes the result inconclusive. There are times where saturating a test with urine might cause test malfunction or lead to an inconclusive result.
Don’t worry, you can always clear up your doubts by testing after a day or two with a fresh set of a pregnancy test kit. This can eliminate every doubt which might be raised by an inconclusive pregnancy test result. It is worth noting that most of the pregnancy tests won’t ever test conclusive except for scenarios such as human errors or manufacturing defects.
The kit can’t just simply test positive unless and until it detects the human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. In case there are low levels of HCG in urine or blood, it might lead to an inconclusive test. Since fertility drugs are known to lead a history of both, inconclusive and false positive results, you’ll have to test twice or thrice to be absolutely sure.
Another factor which often leads to an inconclusive test result is a chemical pregnancy. In this case, women are briefly pregnant and miscarriage happens before the starting of the next period. Performing a pregnancy test before the missed period holds the potential to show a slight upshift in the HCG levels.
This, in turn, can produce an inconclusive c. Your home pregnancy kit might say you’re pregnant but you can’t be as well. You might even have a false pregnancy test result & even when your period might arrive in the following days. Incorrect use of the test kit is one of the most happening causes of inconclusive test results. Make sure if you’re testing in a collection cup, it’s well sterile. Do you know even the residue left by detergent can skew the pregnancy test kit results?