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Showing posts with label #home pregnancy test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #home pregnancy test. Show all posts

What are the minimum days to show the symptoms of pregnancy?

One week after your missed period, most home pregnancy tests HPTs will give you accurate answers. Early signs of pregnancy can occur before a positive pregnancy test, which is associated with the secretion of the hormone HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin). Although this hormone detects in large numbers only after a missed menstruation, there are women who feel symptoms of pregnancy even before they miss their period.

Not to make a lot of burdens, here are some facts that need to pay attention to recognize the early symptoms of pregnancy. In the beginning, we should know that women and their pregnancies are different. Some feel the signs within one week after conception, while others come to realize only after the missing period and positive pregnancy test. Some women do not feel any symptoms. In addition to eliminating the possibility that the symptoms associated with something else unrelated to pregnancy. Also, women differently feel pregnancy. Some do not change their daily activities until just before birth, while others change their habits from the start. It is quite normal that pregnancy changes emotional state creates fears and doubts about pregnancy and childbirth as well as anticipation and excitement.

As soon as you suspect you are pregnant, you should visit the doctor or do a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant it is crucial to learn as much as you can about pregnancy and how to take care of yourself and the baby growing inside you. Cigarettes, alcohol and certain drugs can harm the unborn child so you should immediately discontinue their use. Yes, as the baby is now growing inside you, you will experience new feelings. Feeling of loss of appetite and weakness too. You might feel tired. You will feel some changes in your breasts. They will increase in size and sometimes are painful. Please don’t worry if you feel irritable and depressed as these are all due to hormonal changes inside you. But remember if you have severe pain in the abdomen or reddish discharge from vagina please consult your doctor immediately.

How is the Pine-Sol pregnancy test done?

Today, we have a number of pregnancy testing kits available in the market. However, there are some people prefer to try home-made pregnancy tests and the Pine Sol test tops the chart of such tests.

If you also want to try it out, then stay here for a few seconds because you will get to know all the vital facts of Pine Sol Pregnancy test including how it can be performed.

Just like any other medical tests, it is also simple to perform, you only need two things to get the test done: your early morning urine sample and Pine-Sol. It is said that the color of Pine Sol changes when urine drops of a pregnant woman are added to it.

It may turn to bluish-green or blue from its original light brown color; also it will get bubbles or foam. If the woman is not pregnant then the color shall remain unchanged. However, it is not recommended to rely on the results of Pine Sol solely.

Here is how a Pine Sol pregnancy test can be done at home:

As you read above, it is very easy to do the test. Just make sure not to do it in a close or congested room. The Pine test evolves fumes, which can be harmful to inhale. Now, let’s move to the process:

1. Collect the sample of your first urine in the morning. The reason why you must use the first urine is that it has a higher concentration of HCG hormone, which can provide accurate results. This step is the same for any other pregnancy test, be it a homemade one or a medically tested one.

2. Now, pour some Pine Sol in another container and mix the urine sample with it.

3. Wait for a while and let the reaction take place.

4. Observe whether the color of Pine-Sol (gold or light brown) has changed or not. If it has changed, then the pregnancy test result is positive and if it is the same as it was earlier, then it is negative.

Is it the best option to test pregnancy?

A pine-sol pregnancy test is still not medically acclaimed; neither has it had any scientific backup. So, it may or may not give you true results. For more about pregnancy articles.

What happens when only one line shows on a pregnancy test?

If you are looking at your Home Pregnancy Test result, that means you are looking forward to some good news!!! Yay

A home Pregnancy test is the best way to delight ourselves with the sweetness of the news which leaves you with butterflies in the stomach. Trust me, this is exactly how you will feel.

When using a home pregnancy test kit, if you see a light pink line adjacent to the dark pink line, then yes, you are pregnant. Even if the second is very light, the result is still “Positive”.

But, if the test shows a single line in dark pink color, then the result is negative, that means you’re not pregnant.

These home pregnancy kits are not really accurate and we cannot completely depend on the results because some strips turn out to be defective and the lines might not be visible. In this case, it’s better to take the pregnancy test more than once. Also, you should read the test results within the time frame that is mentioned in the instructions booklet you get along with the testing Kit.

The other reasons for the one line on the Home Pregnancy Kit could be that the Kit is expired. It’s very important to check the expiry date on the Kit. Since these Kits uses a chemical to detect HCG level in the urine, the chemical has an expiry date too and hence the inaccurate results.

There is every possibility of getting a negative result from a home pregnancy test when you are pregnant.

1. This happens when you take a home pregnancy test, just after one day of your missed menstrual cycle. For accurate results, please wait at least one week after your missed menstrual cycle.

2. If you wait for a longer time before checking the test results, urine on the test can evaporate and may show you two lines instead of one line.

3. If your urine gets diluted, i.e. if you take the test later in the day after finishing your breakfast or drinking water, the Kit may give you a negative result. The best results show up when it’s the first urine of the morning.

When you want to take a pregnancy test, make sure that you are following with the instructions given on Kit and do it right. I strongly suggest taking the home pregnancy test at least twice for the best results before you visit a gynecologist.

If you still think you are pregnant even after multiple negative results, consult your doctor.

If you’re not pregnant and you are still missing your menstrual cycle for a longer time, then it’s time to see a doctor. The reasons could be thyroid, low BMI, cists in ovaries which are known by the team polycystic ovarian disease, etc. Sometimes, stress also plays a major role so worry less and see a gynecologist who can help you treat the issues.

So, one line on the pregnancy test Kit should not bother you much as this can be taken care by consulting a gynecologist and following the prescribed medical help.

What are the problems faced by women after pregnancy?

Your body has been through quite the ordeal to give birth to your baby, and you will need adequate time to recover. With a normal, vaginal birth you will bleed for a few weeks following birth as well as feel pain in the genital area (especially if you tore during delivery). You may also experience hemorrhoids (due to pushing), and lower back pain for about 3 months following delivery. A cesarean section, on the other hand, will have additional itching and scarring to deal with for at least 4-weeks. Incision pain can last up to 8 weeks. (baby weight chart) You will also have to refrain from sex and halt any exercise for at least 10 weeks.
1. Breastfeeding is a very unique thing women feel especially for the first time mums.
2. You will start to feel hair loss.
3. Body changes are quite common in pregnancy.
4. Skin discoloration happens with some percentage of women.
5. Belly size increases.
6. Your breast size increases.

How Many Days Post Ovulation Pregnancy Test?

In order to know how many days post your ovulation, you should be taking a pregnancy test. It is important to understand the process of ovulation, conception, and implantation. It is also important that you understand about the formation of the hCG hormone. And how does the home-pregnancy test detect pregnancy?
When the dominant follicle ruptures. The egg released from the ovary and into the close fallopian tube. It takes up to a maximum of 24 hours for the egg to fertilize. In case there are sperms in the fallopian tube and penetrates with fresh egg then this leads to conception.
In the following days, the egg gets fertilized. And into the uterus and it then starts to implant in the uterine lining. The fertilized egg is the embryo. After the implantation stage, the placenta secretes the hCG that is a popular hormone in pregnancy. The process of implantation happens around six to twelve days after ovulation.
How is pregnancy detected?
In the early weeks after implantation takes place, the hCG hormone doubles in every 48 to 72 hours.  A non-pregnant woman will have an hCG level of 5 mIU/ml however after conceiving hCG level rises to50 mIU/ml. This is a good increase in level and the hormone is secreted in her blood. When you do a home pregnancy test this is what detects the pregnancy.
When should the pregnancy test be done?
Now that you understand the conception process, the pregnancy test should not be taken before 7 days of ovulation. The ideal pregnancy test days after ovulation, around 7 to 10 days after ovulation. This lets you confirm your pregnancy.
However, if you take the pregnancy test early then there is a chance that the result will be false. It is also important that you have calculated the ovulation date accurately. If not accurate because of the low hCG level and no impanation has occurred. Thus it is advised that you wait at least 7 to 10 days after ovulation before you check for a positive pregnancy.
In case you take the test on the seventh day after ovulation and the result shows as negative, you may want to test it again after a few days just to be doubly sure about it.
You may also decide to wait until you notice some early signs of pregnancy before you take a pregnancy test. This includes implantation bleeding, swollen or tender breasts, tiredness, aversions or food cravings. If you observe any of these signs in the 7 to 10 days after your ovulation, then you should definitely get a pregnancy test done.

How can we check pregnancy?

There are many different types of home pregnancy tests (HPTs). Most drugstores sell HPTs over the counter. They are inexpensive. But the cost depends on the brand and how many tests come in the box.

Most HPTs work in a similar way. Many instruct the user to hold a stick in the urine stream. Others involve collecting urine in a cup and then dipping the stick into it. At least one brand tells the woman to collect urine in a cup and then use a dropper to put a few drops of the urine into a special container. Then the woman needs to wait a few minutes. Different brands instruct the woman to wait different amounts of time. Once the time has passed, the user should inspect the "result window." If a line or plus symbol appears, you are pregnant. It does not matter how faint the line is. A line, whether bold or faint, means the result is positive. New digital tests show the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant.” Most tests also have a "control indicator" in the result window. This line or symbol shows whether the test is working properly. If the control indicator does not appear, the test is not working properly. You should not rely on any results from an HPT that may be faulty.

Most brands tell users to repeat the test in a few days, no matter what the results. One negative result (especially soon after a missed period) does not always mean you're not pregnant. All HPTs come with written instructions. Most tests also have toll-free phone numbers to call in case of questions about use or results.