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Showing posts with label exercise during pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise during pregnancy. Show all posts

What are some things to expect when you're eight months pregnant?

As your baby has gained weight and is quite grown up now, it tries to move downwards slowly. Due to that, there is a heaviness in the lower abdomen so traveling excursion may cause stress for both. It’s better to avoid traveling. Ancient texts say that the energy source of the baby and mother is unstable in this month & so both should not exert so take good rest but don’t stop working unless your Dr. has suggested doing so. Do take care of your nipples. Put some coconut oil daily before the bath on the nipples. Wear clean and soft undergarments. 

You can continue to do exercises for joints. Breathing and meditation also help. Don’t do heavy exercises and keep a good watch on baby movements. Comfortable sleeping can be challenging. Propping a pillow between your legs may help, as well as full-body pregnancy pillows. Avoid sleeping on your back at this stage. Sleeping on the left side improves blood circulation to the baby. The blood from the baby’s umbilical cord is rich in stem cells that can be used to treat many diseases and cancers. The research and its practical applications for your baby’s health continue to grow. We think it is wonderful parents now have the option of banking their baby’s blood for potential beneficial use later (even when that child becomes a teenager and an adult). It is, however, an expensive investment with initial costs around Rs 75000 or more

I am pregnant and I feel sleepy and tired all the time. Is this normal?

Feeling tired is normal, especially during the early months. It usually improves mid-pregnancy and often recurs in the weeks just before birth. Now you can see that all the features, muscles bones, blood, etc. of your baby i.e all the body parts are getting fully developed. For this more nourishment is required which comes from you, so unless you eat more and take proper nutrition, you are bound to feel tired. The extra weight you are carrying will make your body work harder than before you were pregnant. Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles being worked and away from other parts of your body.

 Therefore, it is important to not overdo it. Try to exercise moderately so you don’t get tired quickly. If you are able to talk normally while exercising, your heart rate is at an acceptable level. The type of exercise you can do during pregnancy depends on your health and how active you were before you became pregnant. This is not a good time to take up a new, hard sport. If you were active before, you can continue to be within reason. If, for example, you play tennis, you can still play unless you have special problems or feel very tired. A good rule of thumb is to limit exertion to about 2/3 of what you could do before pregnancy. Eat nutritious food throughout your pregnancy and keep yourself hydrated all the time. Eat your folic acid tablets and other prenatal vitamins on time. And most importantly keep yourself calm and meditate if possible to ease the changes you go through.