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Can I have sex during a pregnancy of 3 months?

The majority of couples can still have sexual intercourse during their pregnancy. Your baby is surrounded and cushioned by amniotic fluid and protected by your uterus and a layer of muscles. And the mucus plug inside your cervix helps guard against infection. It is generally safe to engage in sexual intercourse during the third trimester (week 26 onwards).

It is not safe if you're bleeding or have a placenta that's in front of the baby's head--placenta previa. With placenta previa, if the penis comes in contact with the cervix or you have contractions as a result of an orgasm, it can traumatize the placenta and cause significant enough bleeding that you lose the pregnancy. Also, you shouldn't have sex if your membranes are ruptured (water breaks) because then the baby is no longer protected against any possible infection. It's also risky to have sex if it's early in your third trimester and you're having premature labor or you have a short cervix because an orgasm can stimulate contractions. But if you're having a healthy normal pregnancy there's no risk, though as you get larger, it may be uncomfortable.

Get answers to all queries you have in pregnancy from Healtheoz HMom, one of the best pregnancy application

Why do pregnant women like fruits and not other things?

During pregnancy special care is the utmost thing one should always keep ahead. The woman should know that these days are not that normal day it used to b earlier. Every food intake has a direct connection to the baby where the baby growth is purely dependent on the diet of the baby. Since during pregnancy, most of the food is restricted so the woman urges more towards fruits as they are the rich sources of the vitamins and essential nutrients which can be directly connected to the baby. Irrespective of some fruits she has an open gate to eat any fruit throughout her pregnancy. She used some fruits like oranges so that she can get rid of nausea and vomiting. Also, fruits can help her in curing with the strange morning sickness where she can grab some to get rid of these symptoms. Download Healtheoz HMom application and get qualified answers on diet, exercise and other points on pregnancy 24*7.

How do you Identify a pregnancy contraction pain?

Pregnancy on a whole lot brings plenty of changes which knock on every woman’s mind. Contraction pain can be with the feeling of making your stomach harder and tight. Contractions are felt by the expectant mother from the initial first trimester of the pregnancy. Contractions are of the following types which have some meaning connected to it.

1. Early contractions
In the early days of the pregnancy since the body copes up with the changes in accordance with the growth of the baby, so the stretching of the ligaments causes contractions which can be followed with some bleeding, spotting, and abdominal pain. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor is compulsory since to rule out if have placenta prevail or low lying placenta and ectopic pregnancy. The hardness of the uterus can detect the simple contraction or the movement of the baby.

2. Preterm Contractions
Contractions after 34 weeks of the gestation are irregular. Braxton Hicks contractions have an irregular start and stop times, and they usually don't get more intense over time. Braxton Hicks contractions typically resolve with rest and hydration. These hicks can be noticed after every 10-15 minutes, if not then it makes a point towards preterm contractions.

3. Contractions due to Sex
It is not safe if you're bleeding or have a placenta that's in front of the baby's head--placenta prevail. With placenta prevail, if the penis comes in contact with the cervix or you have contractions as a result of an orgasm, it can traumatize the placenta and cause significant enough bleeding that you lose the pregnancy. Also, you shouldn't have sex if your membranes are ruptured (water breaks) because then the baby is no longer protected against any possible infection. It's also risky to have sex if it's early in your third trimester and you're having premature labor or you have a short cervix because an orgasm can stimulate contractions. But if you're having a healthy normal pregnancy there's no risk, though as you get larger, it may be uncomfortable.

4. Back Pain Contractions
Cramping in the lower back pain are also the causes of the contractions which can be the back labor. Back labor is typically a result of the baby's position as it moves into the birth canal. Babies that present with their heads facing up (called occipital posterior) often place more pressure on the nerves in the mother's back, causing a heightened sensation of pain.

Can my pregnancy stretch marks disappear after 8 months of childbirth?

Stretch marks are a natural result of the skin stretching during pregnancy. It's common for most women. We find stretch mark creams rarely meet the claims advertised and often genetics play a major role. Most pregnancy resources recommend keeping the skin well-moisturized. While some women merely don’t have any stretch marks. Stretch marks result in the expansion of the body as the baby grows inside you to pull the skin causing the marks. Stretch marks can be common to any person who either have gained excessive weight or have been trying to lose weight. The stretch marks can disappear slowly after the baby’s growth but won’t completely go in one instance. Make sure you are following the tips given below:

1. Deep massage with coconut or olive oil can heal the stretch marks by increasing the flow of the blood and cause tissues to break and form new ones which can prevent the stretch marks.
2. Try creams and Bio-Oil to treat stretch marks in an efficient way that can help in disappearing of the stretch marks by making your skin soft and subtle. Make a schedule to use it twice a day or more.

3. Drink plenty of water during your pregnancy and keep yourself hydrated all the time, you can take fluids as well like juices, etc.

4. Moisturizing your skin after a bath can also help in opening up the pores and making the stretch marks to come back completely.

5. Keep a watch on your diet. Consuming a diet that’s rich in skin-supporting vitamins—E, C, A, and zinc can help in reducing g stretch marks.

Healtheoz HMom can help you in every minute query and problems you face during your pregnancy period. Connect to it and get qualified to every query that curbed in your mind.

Why do pregnant women eat a lot?

Appetite increases for some women so much that they are eager to eat every time and never feel full where these symptoms catch especially after 1st trimester when you are over with morning sickness and nausea. The baby’ growth demands the increased appetite as it needs more nutrients, vitamins for the nourishment. Eating for two is what we are said during pregnancy but that doesn’t mean indulging yourself into the junk and heavy food is what it needs. Make sure you eat after every small interval. Eating too much on one go through heartburn. Eat small, frequent meals. Avoid greasy and spicy foods. Take small sips of fluid during meals. Try to eat sitting up and avoid lying down for at least 3 hours after eating. Avoid eating close to bedtime. Heartburn medications that are considered safe during pregnancy include antacids, surface agents, etc but check with your doctor. Keep yourself hydrated; take fruits except for Papaya, Pineapple. Take food and never exceed the calorie intake. Take high-fiber carbohydrates (like whole grains or fruit) with protein and healthy fat (like nut butter or low-fat dairy). Include the food that is rich in Vitamin A and C in your diet. Keep up with the grocery and other small things you could need anytime in your pregnancy to calm your pregnancy cravings. Make sure that you are exercising regularly so as to manage weight and keep yourself away from gestational diabetes. 

Download Healtheoz HMom application and get complete guidance on the diet and food intake, dos and don’ts during pregnancy. I had been quite benefitted with their excellent services.

What should I eat when pregnant? What should I not eat?

A healthy and balanced diet that include all fruit and vegetables, all dairy products, lentils, lean meat, eggs, poultry, all cereals, healthy fats should be taken by the pregnant women in order to make her baby grow well. In the second trimester, you can have food that is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which is necessary for baby's bones and teeth development and omega-3 fatty acids rich food, which are important for your baby's brain development. In the third trimester, you can have food that will give you an energy boost, just when you need it most! Also have foods that contain vitamin K, which helps your body to heal well after birth. Papayas, especially the unripe and semi-ripe ones are rich in latex should be avoided, which can cause uterine contractions and create complications.
Pineapple contains bromelain, a type of enzyme, they can break down proteins in the body and lead to abnormal bleeding so should be avoided completely.

What is the best food for a 1-month pregnant woman?

We need an average of only 300 extra calories daily during pregnancy (one bagel
or ½ a deli sandwich). “Eating for two” will result in excessive weight gain. Most women will lose only 15-20 pounds in the first few weeks postpartum, with the rest stored as fat, so weight gain of 20-30 pounds is ideal (0-5 pounds in the first 12 weeks, and ½pound-1 pound a week after that). Eat small frequent meals to avoid heartburn and hypoglycemia. Eat what you enjoy, but make healthy choices and go easy on sugars and starches to prevent excessive weight gain and gestational diabetes. Certain fish accumulate high levels of mercury from swimming in polluted waters. The FDA recommends avoiding those fish that are highest in mercury, including shark, tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel. Shellfish, shrimp and smaller fish such as snapper, catfish, and salmon are lower in mercury, and up to 12 ounces a week is recommended. Canned tuna is low in mercury and can be included in a total of 12 ounces a week. Tuna steak is higher in mercury than canned tuna and should be limited to 6 ounces a week.

Unpasteurized cheeses and deli meats can carry Listeria, a bacterium that can cause miscarriage and fetal infection. While this is extremely uncommon in the USA, it is wise to avoid regular intake of unpasteurized dairy products or deli meats for this reason. Listeria is killed by high temperatures so deli meats heated in the microwave until steaming are certainly safe. Highly processed meats such as hotdogs contain chemicals that are not healthy for any humans, pregnant or not. While there is no evidence of direct fetal harm caused by eating hotdogs or other highly-processed meats, we recommend making healthier choices except on rare occasions. Raw fish and meat can carry parasites and other microbes that could cause potential harm to the mother and fetus. While these infections are extremely rare, it is wise to avoid raw meat and fish for this reason.
There is no safe limit of alcohol in pregnancy. Complete avoidance is the best policy. Caffeine is safe in small quantities (1-2 caffeinated beverages daily). There is no scientific evidence that Nutrasweet (aspartame) or other sugar substitutes are harmful in pregnancy.

Healtheoz HMom is one of the premiere application that can guide you for with the proper diet and complete nutritional analysis in your complete pregnancy period.

What is a pregnancy due date calculator?

After the confirmation of pregnancy, the first thing to rule out is the due date. Nowadays, most of the due date calculators are available. But as per my personal experience, I will suggest everyone go for Healtheoz HMOM due date calculator. It is an online calculator with medical accuracy. The average pregnancy lasts 280 days from the last menstrual period (LMP), or more precisely, 266 days following your last ovulation cycle (or approximately 40 weeks). The first step in pregnancy is to calculate the due date. The estimated due date (EDD) can be calculated from the date of ovulation as well as fertilization. In most of the cases, deliveries are close to their due date (40 weeks from the last period). About 10% of women deliver before 37 weeks.

In the first pregnancy, there are more chances to go over your due date than in subsequent pregnancies. Sometimes it is safe to go as long as 2 weeks over the due date, usually induction is recommended at 41 weeks. In case of a preterm (less than 37 weeks) delivery before, the chances of another preterm delivery are more. If you are planning a C-section, it will be generally scheduled at about 39 weeks or 37 weeks if you have twins.

The first step is to determine the first day of your last menstrual period and the length of your menstrual cycle for which you have to enter the date of the first day of the last menstrual period along with your average cycle length. After that, the due date calculator will be calculating the estimated date the baby will be due, as well as other important events such as Estimated Fertility Dates, Estimated Conception Date, First Trimester (12 Weeks), Second Trimester (27 Weeks) & Third Trimester(40 Weeks). Healtheoz HMOM app has the most precise pregnancy conception calculator. Find out how pregnancy calculator works by clicking on the below-mentioned.


What is preeclampsia? How does it affect pregnancy?

A condition in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, sometimes with fluid retention and proteinuria are known as preeclampsia. In pregnant women having normal BP, preeclampsia mostly begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy which may lead to serious, even fatal, complications for both mom and baby. Using Healtheoz HMOM app, we can make a track of our diet & exercise so as to avoid any such complication in pregnancy & to make our 9 months journey smooth & stress-free.

The main known symptoms are high blood pressure and protein in the urine followed by swelling in the legs and water retention which is difficult to distinguish from a normal pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is mostly during a routine BP & urine test. In similar cases, if the baby is considered “term” (on or after 37 weeks) and the growth rate is normal, the baby is delivered, and the mother monitored and sent home as usual.

The impact of preeclampsia is intense if it occurs earlier in the pregnancy, or in a woman with high blood pressure before pregnancy. Care providers may suggest time off work, bed rest, medication and even hospitalization to keep the BP in control. Keeping the baby in the uterus as long as possible, assuming continuous growth, is preferred for the long-term health of the baby.

The only "cure" of this disease begins with the delivery of the baby and placenta, which is sometimes recommended before the pregnancy goes to term in the best interest of the mother. Doctors may prescribe anti-hypertensive medications. If the blood pressure o the mother cannot be managed with medication and treatment, and the mother's and/or baby’s health is at risk, steroids are given to aid the maturation of the infant's lungs prior to delivering the baby.

Preeclampsia can often be managed with oral or IV medication until the baby is sufficiently mature to be delivered.

Which fruits can cause miscarriage at 6 months of pregnancy?

Papayas, especially the unripe and semi-ripe ones are rich in latex, which can cause uterine contractions and create complications. Pineapple contains bromelain, a type of enzyme, they can break down proteins in the body and lead to abnormal bleeding.

Caffeine intake should be to less than 200 mg per day, or about 2–3 cups of coffee while pregnancy, taking high caffeine during pregnancy should restrict fetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight at delivery. 

Alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. It can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, which involves facial deformities, heart defects, and mental retardation.

Undercooked and raw meat and poultry, such as pink or raw meat that is bloody contains Toxoplasma parasite and harmful bacteria salmonella. Salmonella increases the risk of food poisoning and leads to miscarriage or fetal death during delivery also. You can eat homemade well- cooked and hot meat and poultry.

Is it harmful to skip meals during pregnancy?

Your developing baby will extract all the nutrients essential for its growth through the placenta & your blood. Therefore, your diet is important for the proper growth of your baby. Baby’s organ which is formed during the first few weeks of pregnancy, require certain vitamins & minerals to develop correctly. However, skipping meals will cause harm to you and your baby. Therefore, you need a continuous intake of nutritious food for proper growth of your baby as well as you. HMOM is one of the tried & tested app for suggesting & maintaining proper diet (trimester-wise) & diet reminders which will help you to eat on time without getting starved & missing your meals.

                                                             • How Much To Eat

Growing a baby takes a lot of nutrition out of you. So, women beginning their pregnancy at a normal weight should eat an average of 300 extra calories per day. Over-weight or under-weight women should speak with their doctor about their nutritional needs. Eating regularly also helps stave off nausea, a common complaint in early pregnancy.

                                                             • What to Eat

A diet containing a variety of vegetables, fruits, dairy foods, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats and oils, such as from nuts and avocados, helps in the proper development of baby's organs and bones. Dark green vegetables and fortified cereals and juices are good sources of folic acid, Vitamin – B are important for reducing the chance of neural tube defects. Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth while aiding your circulation and nervous system.

                                                              • How to Avoid Meal

Skipping It should be a priority not to skip meals, and this can take a bit of planning. Keep healthy grab-and-go options like dry fruit and nuts on hand to eat. Set an alarm every couple of hours if you need to remind yourself to eat.

What are the problems faced by women after pregnancy?

Your body has been through quite the ordeal to give birth to your baby, and you will need adequate time to recover. With a normal, vaginal birth you will bleed for a few weeks following birth as well as feel pain in the genital area (especially if you tore during delivery). You may also experience hemorrhoids (due to pushing), and lower back pain for about 3 months following delivery. A cesarean section, on the other hand, will have additional itching and scarring to deal with for at least 4-weeks. Incision pain can last up to 8 weeks. You will also have to refrain from sex and halt any exercise for at least 10 weeks.

1. Breastfeeding is a very unique thing women feel especially for the first time mums.

2. You will start to feel hair loss.

3. Body changes are quite common in pregnancy.

4. Skin discoloration happens with some percentage of women.

5. Belly size increases.

6. Your breast size increases.

What are some stress management tips for pregnant women?

For a mom-to-be, it is normal to be stressed about the changes happening in their life & body. If they are stressed once in a while, it may not cause any harm to their baby. But if they are stressed day in & day out, it’s better to visit your doctor for help. Extreme stress can increase the chances of premature birth as well as low birth weight. Reducing stress during pregnancy can help you enjoy this period which can be done by following the tips mentioned below:
• Tip 1: Laughter Laughter is a great way to reduce stress during pregnancy as well as normally.
• Tip 2: Visitors Invite your family & friends to visit you during pregnancy. They will help to provide you with support, socializing, chatting and laughter.
• Tip 3: Walking It is the best exercise to be done during pregnancy. Consult with your doctor about taking walks. Try a brisk walk in the morning or before work which will make you feel more energetic & less stressed.
• Tip 4: Pregnancy Diary It is fun & helpful to keep a pregnancy diary which helps to relieve your stress. Also, you can show it to your child when they grow older.
• Tip 5: Drink water during pregnancy, your body remains dehydrated from sickness & loss of appetite. Drinking plenty of water not only makes your body hydrated & healthy but also stress-free as your body is plenty of fluids.
• Tip 6: Naps during pregnancy, your body needs extra energy as the baby is growing inside your body followed by a number of changes. It is advised to take a nap of 30 minutes to an hour during the middle of the day to reduce stress.

• Tip 7: Foot Soaks during pregnancy, your feet may swell or sore due to extra weight. It feels wonderful to soak your feet in warm water for 30 minutes in a comfortable position. It is one of the best tips for stress reduction.

Is it normal to bleed in your first trimester of pregnancy?

Understandably, any degree of bleeding can be alarming for women. While it is common in all stages of pregnancy, it doesn't mean it is normal. However, it also doesn't mean doom. The important thing is to inform your provider for appropriate evaluation. Spotting is very light bleeding, similar to what you may have at the very beginning or end of your period. It can vary in color from pink to red to brown (the color of dried blood). It's not always possible to determine the reason behind prenatal spotting or bleeding. Here are some of the most common causes:
- Sex: More blood flows to your cervix during pregnancy, so it's not unusual to notice spotting after intercourse. A cervical polyp (a benign growth on the cervix) can also cause spotting or bleeding after sex.- A Pap smear or internal exam - You may have spotting after you've had a Pap smear or internal exam for the same reasons – greater blood flow to the cervix or a cervical polyp.

- Implantation bleeding: Very early in pregnancy, even before you realize you're pregnant, you may have some spotting for a day or two. This bleeding may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the wall of your uterus, but no one knows for sure.
- Miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy: Spotting or bleeding, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain or cramping, can be an early sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy (when the embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes). An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, which is one of the reasons it's important to let your practitioner know immediately if you have bleeding or pain in your first trimester.
- Infections: Spotting can also be caused by conditions unrelated to pregnancy. A vaginal infection (such as a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis) or a sexually transmitted infection (such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, or herpes) can cause your cervix to become irritated or inflamed. An inflamed cervix is particularly prone to spotting after sex or a Pap smear.
In case you are spotting - Call your doctor or midwife right away, even if the bleeding seems to have stopped. While it may turn out to be something minor, it could be a sign of a serious problem. What your healthcare practitioner does next will depend on your individual situation.

What is the cause of diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy?

Diabetes is a condition in which the sugar in your blood is more than what is normal. If you didn’t have diabetes before conceiving and developed it during your pregnancy due to various hormonal changes during your gestation, it is called gestational diabetics or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). If your testing confirms gestational diabetes, our first approach is conservative. Nutritional adjustments and adding a comfortable exercise regimen like daily walking may be all that some women require. Home monitoring of your blood sugar with a glucose monitor is also often provided. If necessary, medication is recommended. The food you consume passes through your digestive system and undergoes many processes and reactions and gets broken down into glucose, which is a type of sugar.

This glucose that enters your blood is converted into energy with the help of a hormone called Insulin. The cells in our body use this energy to function. The normal blood sugar ranges will be- Fasting- 70-100mg/dl 1 hour after meals- less than 140mg/dl When you are pregnant, due to various hormonal changes, the production of insulin by the pancreas is disturbed. For some pregnant ladies insulin produced is not sufficient enough to turn the glucose into energy. The unused glucose builds up resulting in high sugar levels in the blood. A high sugar level in blood is nothing but diabetes. Usually, gestational diabetes doesn’t show any symptoms. But sometimes you may feel thirstier, your trips to pee may increase, your mouth may be dry and you may get infections like thrush more often.

Sometimes blurred vision too. But often such physical changes like more wee and thirst are common when you are pregnant and so it is difficult to find out if you have diabetes just by looking at the symptoms. If you have high blood pressure your chance of getting diabetes during pregnancy is high. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, don’t worry much because the majority of ladies deliver healthy babies and have normal gestation if the diabetes is controlled with dietary changes and medications as per your doctor’s advice. But if not treated properly some problems (doctors will tell you) can occur to your pregnancy/delivery and your baby.

What are the minimum days to show the symptoms of pregnancy?

One week after your missed period, most home pregnancy tests HPTs will give you accurate answers. Early signs of pregnancy can occur before a positive pregnancy test, which is associated with the secretion of the hormone HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin). Although this hormone detects in large numbers only after a missed menstruation, there are women who feel symptoms of pregnancy even before they miss their period.

Not to make a lot of burdens, here are some facts that need to pay attention to recognize the early symptoms of pregnancy. In the beginning, we should know that women and their pregnancies are different. Some feel the signs within one week after conception, while others come to realize only after the missing period and positive pregnancy test. Some women do not feel any symptoms. In addition to eliminating the possibility that the symptoms associated with something else unrelated to pregnancy. Also, women differently feel pregnancy. Some do not change their daily activities until just before birth, while others change their habits from the start. It is quite normal that pregnancy changes emotional state creates fears and doubts about pregnancy and childbirth as well as anticipation and excitement.

As soon as you suspect you are pregnant, you should visit the doctor or do a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant it is crucial to learn as much as you can about pregnancy and how to take care of yourself and the baby growing inside you. Cigarettes, alcohol and certain drugs can harm the unborn child so you should immediately discontinue their use. Yes, as the baby is now growing inside you, you will experience new feelings. Feeling of loss of appetite and weakness too. You might feel tired. You will feel some changes in your breasts. They will increase in size and sometimes are painful. Please don’t worry if you feel irritable and depressed as these are all due to hormonal changes inside you. But remember if you have severe pain in the abdomen or reddish discharge from vagina please consult your doctor immediately.

What are some healthy activities to do during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very unique phase one could even witness in her life. Follow up with the general schedule for an uncomplicated pregnancy: From the beginning of your pregnancy through 28 weeks you will have a monthly appointment. From 28-36 weeks, you will have an appointment every 2 – 3 weeks. From 36 weeks until delivery, you will have a weekly appointment. Before beginning any exercise program, talk with your doctor to make sure you do not have any obstetric or health conditions that would limit your activity.

Ask about any specific exercise or sports that interest you. Your doctor can offer advice about what type of exercise routine is best for you. The extra weight you are carrying will make your body work harder than before you were pregnant. Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles being worked and away from other parts of your body. Therefore, it is important to not overdo it. Try to exercise moderately so you don’t get tired quickly. If you are able to talk normally while exercising, your heart rate is at an acceptable level. Staying active is great for you and the baby. If you have an uncomplicated pregnancy you can continue your current exercise regimen with a few modifications. Routine dental work is safe during pregnancy and we encourage you to keep up with your normal dental health routine.

Keep track of when you feel nauseated and what causes it. If continued vomiting occurs, do not eat or drink anything until the vomiting has stopped. As you feel better, try some small amounts of clear liquids (broth, Jello, apple, grape or cranberry juice, and / or popsicles.) A certain amount of swelling (called edema) is normal during pregnancy. It occurs most often in the legs. Elevating the legs usually reduces the swelling by the next morning. Swelling can begin during the last few months of pregnancy, and it may occur more often in the summer. Let your doctor or nurse know if you have swelling in your hands or face, because this may be a sign of another problem. A clue that your hands are swollen is that your rings are too tight. Never take medications (water pills) for swelling unless they have been prescribed for you by your OB/GYN. At least half of all pregnant women seem to have problems with constipation. One reason for this may be changes in hormones that slow the movement of food through the digestive tract your uterus may add to the problem. Here are some suggestions that may help:

• Drink plenty of liquids at least 6-8 glasses of water each day, including 1-2 glasses of fruit juice such as prune juice.

• Liquids (such as coffee, tea and cola) which make you go to the bathroom should not be ingested. They will tend to create a negative water balance in your body and thus make your stools harder and more difficult to pass.

• Eat food high in fiber, such as raw fruits and vegetables and bran cereals.

• Exercise daily. Walking is a good form of exercise.

• Senokot, Doxidan, Metamucil, Colace, Milk of Magnesia and other gentle stool softeners are safe to use in pregnancy In the last three months of pregnancy, you may find that you have more leg cramps.

Get plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or a supplement) and potassium (oranges or bananas). Stretching your legs before going to bed can help relieve cramps. Avoid pointing your toes when stretching or exercising. Your prenatal vitamins should be the only supplement used during pregnancy unless your doctor specifically directs you to use an additional product.

Prenatal vitamins are vital in the wake of the increased demands of pregnancy. Growing a new person isn’t easy on your body, and you will require additional vitamins and minerals in your diet—like folic acid, calcium, and iron—for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Rather than just selecting a prenatal vitamin yourself, talk to your doctor or midwife about if you need a special formulation (i.e., in cases of anemia or nutritional deficiencies), and if a tablet, capsule, or liquid prenatal vitamin will work most efficiently. You can do your part to prevent stretch marks by drinking lots of water to keep skin hydrated, by massaging your skin daily with a moisturizer or oil that’s high in vitamin A and vitamin E (i.e., cocoa butter) to prevent stretch marks, and increase circulation and tissue repair; and by consuming a diet that’s rich in skin-supporting vitamins—E, C, A, and zinc.