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What are the types of pain during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the challenging times to so of the women while some have easy going pregnancy time without any disastrous symptoms. Most of the women suffer from different pain while some have easy going pregnancy time without any pregnancy symptoms. Some of the pains during pregnancy are : Back Pain Back pain or discomfort is common during pregnancy and should be expected to some degree by most women. Back pain may be experienced during any point of your pregnancy; however, it most commonly occurs later in the pregnancy as the weight of the baby increases. Try to sleep on side during, elevate your legs when you sit, go for a hot water bottle to make yourself comfortable, if it persists more consult your health provider.
Headaches during pregnancy Headaches are common during pregnancy. Usually, headaches do not signal a serious problem. How often they occur and how bad they are may vary. It is important to discuss with your health care team which medications you can use for the headache. You should contact your doctor if your headache does not go away, returns very often, is very severe, causes blurry vision or spots in front of your eyes, or is accompanied by severe nausea.
Lower Abdominal Pain Usually, Lower Abdominal Pain is common in pregnancy as the baby is growing and your organs have to locate and shift with the expanding of the baby sac (uterus), so it causes pain on your lower abdomen accompanied with the ligament pain. But it can be serious as well if the pain is a severe consulting doctor would be more pertinent.
Breast Pain and Tenderness The pregnancy causes hormonal changes in your body which cause you mood swings, as-as the breast pain which results due to the rise in the estrogen and progesterone. So try to wear comfortable supportive bras, avoid any fitted clothes which can make you uncomfortable and increase the chances of miscarriage. Leg Cramps, Muscle Cramps Cramps are normal during pregnancy. You may find that you have more leg cramps as you enter into your last trimester of pregnancy. Get plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or a supplement) and potassium (oranges or bananas). Stretching your legs before going to bed can help relieve cramps. Avoid pointing your toes when stretching or exercising.

What’s the best piece of advice you would give to pregnant women?

Pregnancy effectuates the origin of the unique notion of nature and beauty. It not only gives you immense joy but fills your heart with the desirousness to meet your little one. But the best thing to being kept in the mind is to “BE HAPPY “and positive and surround yourself with positivity. Pregnancy is the second birth of a woman to a mother. This journey of pregnancy is not less than a roller costar ride mixed with lots of emotions, joy, body changes, weight gain, and mood swings. Although God has created every person equally but has given some super natural powers to a woman which makes them highly potent. During your pregnancy, you will need someone to share your experiences, someone to talk to, in that case, you can hire a doula who can react to all your queries and profess you as her friend. Always make sure to eat well as you are eating for two, don’t forget to go for a regular checkup to see your small one growing. Exercise and meditate for sound sleep. And last but not the least “ALWAYS LOVE YOURSELF.”
Here are 10 pieces of pregnancy advice that you must follow:
  1. Stay away from myths: Being pregnant means millions of unwanted pregnancy advice from your relatives that are mostly myths. Your neighborly Aunt would tell you not to indulge in any physical activity as it can hurt your baby. The reality is physical activities are very important and beneficial for both fetus and mother.
  2. Do what you like: As long as it is not harmful and addictive in any way. Don’t kill your hobbies. Make time for it other than taking care of your pregnant belly. It is good to invest your time in something that makes you happy. Play, sing, dance or paint, do whatever you like to do. Don’t hold back.
  3. A big no to insecurities:  Pregnancy is a time where your body changes crucially, which is not favorable most of the time. It is totally normal! Do not stress out and feel insecure about your weight or looks. All of it is a part of motherhood and you will get over it once you deliver the baby. Stay patient and motivated. It is important to maintain your composure because no one else can help you better than you.
  4. Cut off alcohols and tobacco: Strictly maintain distance from alcohol and tobacco. Restrict any person in your proximity to stop taking tobacco as passive smoke can be harmful too. Even a little amount is dangerous for your baby.
  5. Eat healthily: It is essential to eat and drink only healthy food. You can give in to your craving sometimes but it is better to eat only healthy stuff.
  6. Exercise: Keep it slow but do exercise. It can help a lot while childbirth and will keep your anxious disturbing thoughts at bay.
  7. Visit a Gynecologist every month: Frequent visits to your doctor are beneficial to maintain a balance of your routine.
  8. Invest your time creatively: Read books, watch movies, play games or listen to songs. Keep yourself invested in creative. There are high chances of your baby to be creative then.
  9. Keep depressive thoughts away: Keep your depressive thoughts away by sharing the concerns with your loved ones. Stay close to the ones who care for you and talk your heart out to them. It is good to share your problems.
  10. Rest well: Try to sleep well. Resting well refreshes your mind making you a little less cranky through mood swings.
Pregnancy is a vigilant stage for you. The lack of experience may double up your responsibility. Don’t let the inexperience of pregnancy fail you to be the best mom for your baby. Try to incorporate all these steps in your routine. It is okay if you cannot follow every one of it. What matters the most is your emotional stability and health. These pieces of advice will help you to take care of yourself in the easiest way. All the best!

I'm late on my period, and I took a pregnancy test and it reads negative…what can be wrong?

A urine pregnancy test detects only the presence of hCG. The amount of hCG in your urine can change over the course of the day depending on how much you drink and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. If your urine is too diluted, the amount of hCG may be inadequate for a positive result. Yes, a false negative pregnancy test can happen when testing is done too early or there is not enough hCG in the urine sample. It is important to follow the test instructions carefully. Your hCG level may be below the test’s hCG threshold. Or implantation may have occurred later, which will delay a positive result.

How can we check pregnancy?

There are many different types of home pregnancy tests (HPTs). Most drugstores sell HPTs over the counter. They are inexpensive. But the cost depends on the brand and how many tests come in the box.

Most HPTs work in a similar way. Many instruct the user to hold a stick in the urine stream. Others involve collecting urine in a cup and then dipping the stick into it. At least one brand tells the woman to collect urine in a cup and then use a dropper to put a few drops of the urine into a special container. Then the woman needs to wait a few minutes. Different brands instruct the woman to wait different amounts of time. Once the time has passed, the user should inspect the "result window." If a line or plus symbol appears, you are pregnant. It does not matter how faint the line is. A line, whether bold or faint, means the result is positive. New digital tests show the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant.” Most tests also have a "control indicator" in the result window. This line or symbol shows whether the test is working properly. If the control indicator does not appear, the test is not working properly. You should not rely on any results from an HPT that may be faulty.

Most brands tell users to repeat the test in a few days, no matter what the results. One negative result (especially soon after a missed period) does not always mean you're not pregnant. All HPTs come with written instructions. Most tests also have toll-free phone numbers to call in case of questions about use or results.

What makes you feel so terrible during pregnancy?

Morning sickness and insomnia are somethings which makes the pregnancy period very terrible. Morning sickness" is a misnomer. (In fact, the technical medical term is "nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.") For some pregnant women, the symptoms are worst in the morning and ease up over the course of the day, but they can strike at any time and, for most women, last all day long. The intensity of symptoms can vary from woman to woman, too.

Overall, this condition affects about three-quarters of pregnant women during the first trimester. About half of all pregnant women suffer from both nausea and vomiting, one quarter has nausea alone, and one quarter lucks out altogether. Nausea usually starts around 6 weeks of pregnancy, but it can begin as early as 4 weeks. It tends to get worse over the next month or so.

About half of the women who get nausea during pregnancy feel complete relief by about 14 weeks. For most of the rest, it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up, though it may return later and come and go throughout pregnancy. Unfortunately, for a small percentage of women symptoms persist continually (or nearly so) until delivery.

Of course, just because morning sickness is common – and likely to last "only" a few months – doesn't mean it's not a challenge. Even a mild case of nausea can wear you down, and bouts of round-the-clock nausea and vomiting can leave you exhausted and miserable. Talk with your caregiver about your symptoms and the possibilities for relief.

Which is the correct month for intake of folic acid during pregnancy?

Folic acid is a B vitamin that has been shown to reduce the risk of spina bifida. 1 mg (1000 micrograms) is recommended during the month prior to pregnancy and for the first 2 months after conception to reduce this risk.

More folic acid may be recommended if you have a personal or family history of spina bifida including a prior affected child. A prenatal vitamin is a general multivitamin with 800-1000 micrograms of folic acid, as well as calcium and iron. Most women continue their vitamins after the second month to help reduce anemia and make up for any imperfections in the diet. If you are not anemic and eat a well-balanced diet, stopping prenatal vitamins at 2 months of pregnancy is acceptable.

After 12 weeks the baby begins to make bone and will draw the necessary calcium from your bones. To prevent bone loss 1000-1500 mg of calcium is recommended. This equates to 4-5 servings of milk, yogurt or dairy. Since this is difficult to consume, take a calcium supplement (usually 500-600 mg) to make up the difference. Don’t take calcium and iron (in the multivitamin) at the same time as they can offset each other’s absorption. While calcium citrate (“Citracal”) is the best absorbed, other types of calcium such as fruit flavored “Tums” and “Viactiv” (chocolate flavored) may be more appealing.

 If you eat fish 3 times weekly you are getting plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids, or Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). If not, take a supplement containing 200mg of DHA (from fish oil or flax seed oil). There is a growing body of evidence that EFA deficiency may contribute to a number of pregnancy complications including preterm labor and pre-eclampsia. EFAs may help fetal eye and brain development, may improve mom’s skin, hair, and nails and are also passed into breast milk. Prenatal vitamins are vital in the wake of the increased demands of pregnancy. Growing a new person isn’t easy on your body, and you will require additional vitamins and minerals in your diet—like folic acid, calcium, and iron—for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Rather than just selecting a prenatal vitamin yourself, talk to your doctor or midwife about if you need a special formulation (i.e., in cases of anemia or nutritional deficiencies), and if a tablet, capsule, or liquid prenatal vitamin will work most efficiently.

How long after my period can I get pregnant?

This has not a certain period because every woman has a different menstrual cycle. There are so many general theories u must come through in the answers given here, but one should keep in one’s mind that pregnancy can be occurred after having sex at any point. I know so many women they got pregnant after having sex right after their periods, some got a pregnant third or fourth day of their periods and some of them got pregnant on the tenth or 11th day from the first day of their periods. My point is that you cannot get a sure shot time frame from the general advice. You can be pregnant on any day between your two periods.

Monitor your cycle and as per your cycle days, try to calculate your ovulation start date and from this date, a week before and three to four days after the ovulation date is your general pregnancy frame.