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What are your biggest nutrition questions during pregnancy?

Diet places a very crucial role in pregnancy. Write the amount of nutritious diet intake is very essential in pregnancy as it will not only affect your baby as well. Make sure you are having a healthy and balanced diet that include all fruit and vegetables, all dairy products, lentils, lean meat, eggs, poultry, all cereals, healthy fats. Just make yourself aware of some food that you have to strictly avoid during your pregnancy.
You should avoid raw, undercooked eggs as they contain harmful salmonella bacteria which cause food poisoning. Undercooked and raw meat and poultry, such as pink or raw meat that is bloody contains Toxoplasma parasite and harmful bacteria Salmonella. Salmonella increases the risk of food poisoning and leads to miscarriage or fetal death during delivery also. You can eat homemade well-cooked and hot meat and poultry. Fish containing mercury can damage your nervous system, immune system, and kidneys and also cause serious developmental problems in children if consumed unpasteurized milk and fruit juices contain an array of harmful bacteria which leads to bacterial contamination.
Avoid Papayas, especially the unripe and semi-ripe ones are rich in latex, which can cause uterine contractions and create complications. Avoid Pineapple as it can break down proteins in the body and lead to abnormal bleeding. Caffeine intake should be to less than 200 mg per day, or about 2–3 cups of coffee while pregnancy, taking high caffeine during pregnancy should restrict fetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight at delivery. Avoid alcohol completely during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. It can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, which involves facial deformities, heart defects, and mental retardation.

In the second trimester, you can have food that is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which is necessary for baby's bones and teeth development and omega-3 fatty acids rich food, which are important for your baby's brain development.
In the third trimester, you can have food that will boost your energy, just when you need it most. Also have foods that contain vitamin K, which helps your body to heal well after birth. Eat small meals frequently, and ensure they are nutritious and contain lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid oily food and foods that may upset the stomach, such as carbonated drinks, spicy foods, and processed meats. Your diet can be the leading cause of heartburn; managing this can help avoid heartburn during pregnancy. Continue folic acid tablets during pregnancy. A healthy intake of the food with perfect nutritional analysis assures that the baby development has got the perfect beginning.

What are the types of pain during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the challenging times to so of the women while some have easy going pregnancy time without any disastrous symptoms. Most of the women suffer from different pain while some have easy going pregnancy time without any disastrous symptoms. Some of the pains during pregnancy are:
Back Pain: Back pain or discomfort is common during pregnancy and should be expected to some degree by most women. Back pain may be experienced during any point of your pregnancy; however, it most commonly occurs later in the pregnancy as the weight of the baby increases. Try to sleep on side during, elevate your legs when you sit, go for a hot water bottle to make yourself comfortable, if it persists more consult your health provider.
Headaches: Headaches are common during pregnancy. Usually, headaches do not signal a serious problem. How often they occur and how bad they are may vary. It is important to discuss with your health care team which medications you can use for the headache. You should contact your doctor if your headache does not go away, returns very often, is very severe, causes blurry vision or spots in front of your eyes, or is accompanied by severe nausea.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Usually, Lower Abdominal Pain is common in pregnancy as the baby is growing and your organs have to locate and shift with the expanding of the baby sac (uterus), so it causes pain on your lower abdomen accompanied with the ligament pain. But it can be serious as well if the pain is a severe consulting doctor would be more pertinent. Breast Pain and Tenderness The pregnancy causes hormonal changes in your body which cause your mood swings, as-as the breast pain which results due to the rise in the estrogen and progesterone. So try to wear comfortable supportive bras, avoid any fitted clothes which can make you uncomfortable and increase the chances of miscarriage.
Leg Cramps, Muscle Cramps: Cramps are normal during pregnancy. You may find that you have more leg cramps as you enter into your last trimester of pregnancy. Get plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or a supplement) and potassium (oranges or bananas). Stretching your legs before going to bed can help relieve cramps. Avoid pointing your toes when stretching or exercising.

Increased levels of Amniotic Fluid during pregnancy

Polyhydramnios is a rare condition in which the volume of amniotic fluid in the uterus is in excess. Amniotic fluid in the uterus protects the fetus like a cushion and helps it develop. It prevents infection during pregnancy. Such a condition is seen in about 1% of pregnancies. It is generally harmless, but under certain circumstances, it may have some critical complications. Polyhydramnios can be of two types- Chronic and acute. The opposite of this condition is known as oligohydramnios where the fluid present in the uterus is less.

Causes of increased levels of amniotic fluids
  • Twin to twin transfusion (TTTS): In such cases, the woman is having identical twins and one baby gets more blood than the other.
  • Maternal diabetes: If the mother has diabetes, the fluid in the uterus may build up much more than it should.
  • Anemia: If the baby and the mother have a mismatched blood type, there is a chance of anemia. Anemia could lead to excess fluid in the uterus.
  • Congenial Disability: If the baby has difficulty swallowing due to genetic disorders, fluid will eventually build up in the uterus.
Risks involved with the increase of amniotic fluids in the uterus
  • Bleeding complications: With the excess buildup of these fluids in a woman’s uterus, there is a high risk of bleeding complications after birth.
  • Premature birth of the baby: Premature labor may lead to the premature birth of the baby. Premature birth has disadvantages like a weak immune system.
  • Placenta abruption: The placenta detaches itself from the uterus before the baby is born. It may have serious
  • Umbilical cord: In such a scenario, the umbilical cord detaches itself from the vagina way before time.
Are there any symptoms one might experience?
The symptoms are often negligible in case the condition is not severe. Under such circumstance, no treatment may be required.  Decreased urine production, abnormal weight gainbigger belly, difficulty in breathing and swelling of the feet are some symptoms to watch out for.  These symptoms indicate severity and calls for immediate attention.
The treatment for this rare condition is dependent on its severity. If the condition is not severe, no treatment may be prescribed by the doctor.
However, in critical cases, the doctor may prescribe medicines. Another way is to drain the fluid out of the uterus using a needle. This procedure is not undertaken unless absolutely necessary because it may have some serious implications.
Underlying causes need to be detected before any treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Treatment may differ, depending on the cause of the condition. The way anemia is treated will be different from the treatment of TTTS. For some women, the medicine may be an answer. For other women, a more complicated procedure may be planned.
It is important to get to the underlying cause of this condition. The treatment is planned and medications prescribed accordingly by the doctor. In spite of it being harmless, proper care must be taken during every stage of pregnancy.

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test during implantation bleeding?

In simpler terms, a random pregnancy test will usually come out positive as soon as implantation bleeding start, but it still may take days.

Implantation bleeding is a process where ovum’s invasion into your body’s endometrial lining happens. Breaking and affection of associated blood vessels, in turn, produce the implantation bleeding.

Now, to be certain about the pregnancy, women can take home pregnancy tests or can also visit the clinic to be absolutely sure. Yes, you can definitely get tested for pregnancy during the implantation bleeding period.

As your urine and even the blood will be containing HCG pregnancy hormone, you will be tested positive if you’re really pregnant.

A majority of pregnancy tests out there claims that you can take them even before your missed period.

However, it gets a lot difficult to confirm if you’re really pregnant when you get a negative pregnancy test during the early days of a missed period. Women might confuse implantation bleeding with that of a period of bleeding.

Neither implantation bleeding is associated with any pain, nor it results in heavy bleeding. There’s this reason why practitioner or your doctor will ask you whether your last period was normal or not. It is best to only test yourself for pregnancy after you’ve missed your period.

As mentioned earlier, it usually takes 48 to 72 hours for HCG to be produced in enough volumes so that the same can be detected by pregnancy test kits. Thus, you can get access to more accurate results.

If you have performed a test during your implantation bleeding and it’s negative, don’t freak out! Just wait for a couple of days and you are good to go to test again.

As high as 75% of home pregnancy test kits will give you a positive result on the day you missed your period considering the fact that you’re really pregnant. You might have to re-test after a day or two in case you get a negative result.

Thus, it is advised to test yourself for pregnancy post 4-5 days you miss your period.

Also, blood pregnancy tests are known for being highly accurate. If you’re really pregnant, it will take a maximum of 3 days after the implantation period to be tested positive for sure.

Some of the factors that determine whether a home pregnancy test will be positive are the timing of the implantation, urine HCG level, blood HCG level as well as pregnancy test sensitivity.

HCG hormone level in your blood or urine depends on how many days have passed after fertilization. For the first eight weeks of the pregnancy, the levels of HCG increase twice after every 48-72 hours.

Hence, we can say after the 3-5 days of implantation, you will be able to get the most accurate results about your pregnancy.

How can I abort 3 months pregnancy using natural methods?

There are a few abortion procedures that can be used in your first trimester (1-3 months).

The first 3 months of pregnancy can be aborted by both, medical and surgical techniques.

As far as aborting at home is concerned there are an array of modern medicines available that are widely used by health workers and doctors around the world.

These are the pills which can be taken to abort the baby during the initial weeks of your first trimester only.

Some of the widely used pills for abortion at home are Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

Although, one must understand that if these pills are taken after nine weeks of your pregnancy, these might have a less effective action and can lead to more side effects.

You can even take Misoprostol and Mifepristone together for fast results. The combination causes the pregnancy to be pushed out completely in 5 to 7 hours.

In some cases it’s very painful, it can lead to cramps and heavy bleeding. The bleeding lasts as long as for 2 weeks, after that it gets lighter.

One should note that Misoprostol alone can help you abort the pregnancy in a matter of 6 to 12 hours alone. As a matter of fact, the signs of pregnancy usually diminishes in 2-3 days.

These drugs work by blocking the thymidine production which is required for DNA synthesis. Misoprostol is a prostaglandin, it is responsible for creating powerful uterine contractions which in turn, pushes the dead fetus out.

It is worth noting that Misoprostol also comes with the name Cytotec. When we talk about the side effects of these drugs, some of them are abdominal pain, lethargic feeling, vaginal bleeding and more.

Some worse side effects are malformed body, bacterial infection and heavy bleeding. These oral pills can be taken by putting them under the tongue.

Further, you should let them dissolve for further 30 minutes right before you swallow them. In case abortion is legal in your country, it’s highly advised to get treated by a doctor and seek proper medical care.

When we talk about the effectiveness, the pills are effective over 90% of the time after a 24 hour period. You must understand that you’ll be losing a lot of blood, tissues and of course, the fetus.

It is strongly discouraged to do a self-abortion after 15 weeks of your pregnancy.

How is the Pine-Sol pregnancy test done?

Today, we have a number of pregnancy testing kits available in the market. However, there are some people prefer to try home-made pregnancy tests and the Pine Sol test tops the chart of such tests.

If you also want to try it out, then stay here for a few seconds because you will get to know all the vital facts of Pine Sol Pregnancy test including how it can be performed.

Just like any other medical tests, it is also simple to perform, you only need two things to get the test done: your early morning urine sample and Pine-Sol. It is said that the color of Pine Sol changes when urine drops of a pregnant woman are added to it.

It may turn to bluish-green or blue from its original light brown color; also it will get bubbles or foam. If the woman is not pregnant then the color shall remain unchanged. However, it is not recommended to rely on the results of Pine Sol solely.

Here is how a Pine Sol pregnancy test can be done at home:

As you read above, it is very easy to do the test. Just make sure not to do it in a close or congested room. The Pine test evolves fumes, which can be harmful to inhale. Now, let’s move to the process:

1. Collect the sample of your first urine in the morning. The reason why you must use the first urine is that it has a higher concentration of HCG hormone, which can provide accurate results. This step is the same for any other pregnancy test, be it a homemade one or a medically tested one.

2. Now, pour some Pine Sol in another container and mix the urine sample with it.

3. Wait for a while and let the reaction take place.

4. Observe whether the color of Pine-Sol (gold or light brown) has changed or not. If it has changed, then the pregnancy test result is positive and if it is the same as it was earlier, then it is negative.

Is it the best option to test pregnancy?

A pine-sol pregnancy test is still not medically acclaimed; neither has it had any scientific backup. So, it may or may not give you true results. For more about pregnancy articles.

After how many months of pregnancy will my belly come out?

One of the first thing that you’d end up asking yourself once you’re pregnant is that “When will I look pregnant?”. When it comes to growth of the belly, it’s different for everybody, there is no certainty.

In some women baby bump can be seen as early as in the 3rd month of their pregnancy, others can spot a real difference from 5th month onwards. It is worth noting that in some women, the belly isn’t clearly visible even if they are well in their second trimester.

First-time mums can begin developing baby bump as early as 12-14 weeks of their pregnancies. However, if this ain’t your first delivery, the belly comes out much earlier as muscles present in the womb and belly have already been stretched in lieu of your last pregnancy.

What makes the belly really grow is the expanding uterus around your body’s pelvic girdle. Also, the amniotic fluid also boosts up in this phase of your pregnancy which, in turn, grows the belly further. Some of the most crucial factors that determine the when you will start looking pregnant are mother’s age, first pregnancy, mother’s weight, genetic factors, uterus positioning, water retention and more.

A mother’s age is one of the most important factors when we talk about the visibility of the belly or baby bump. The belly is visible earlier in older mothers. Young mothers have stronger muscles around their abdomen. Fascia is a band made of fibrous tissue. It gets stretched well during your first pregnancy. Thus, for your subsequent pregnancies, you’ll tend to develop baby bump early.
Also, the weight of the mother is taken into consideration too. If the mother is overweight, the belly may be visible a few weeks later than the normal 12-14 weeks of time. Also, mothers with a retroverted uterus tend to develop baby bump which appears later.

Similarly, women with anteverted uterus tend to develop visible belly as soon as in their first trimester. It goes without saying that there is a huge difference between knowing that you’re pregnant and having a telltale baby bump. You should understand that at 12 weeks of time, your growing uterus can’t just hide inside the pelvis. Thus, it starts protruding into the abdomen. Women having body mass index (BMI) lesser than 25 tend to experience earlier belly bumps.
There might be a case when you’re carrying twins! In that scenario, your uterus will be double the capacity.

Hence, it is pretty obvious that you’ll start developing a visible belly much earlier. Again, your body’s height, number of pregnancies, abdominal strength and BMI will still come into play. Longer midsections are pretty common in taller women, hence there is more room for the baby to grow, therefore the uterus protrudes later.

The second trimester in the pregnancy phase is the most comfortable one- morning sickness has reduces significantly, you feel light and energized with a cute little belly bump to show the world.