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What is the best food for a 1-month pregnant woman?

We need an average of only 300 extra calories daily during pregnancy (one bagel or ½ a deli sandwich). “Eating for two” will result in excessive weight gain. Most women will lose only 15-20 pounds in the first few weeks postpartum, with the rest stored as fat, so weight gain of 20-30 pounds is ideal (0-5 pounds in the first 12 weeks, and ½pound-1 pound a week after that). Eat small frequent meals to avoid heartburn and hypoglycemia. Eat what you...

What is a pregnancy due date calculator?

After the confirmation of pregnancy, the first thing to rule out is the due date. Nowadays, most of the due date calculators are available. But as per my personal experience, I will suggest everyone go for Healtheoz HMOM due date calculator. It is an online calculator with medical accuracy. The average pregnancy lasts 280 days from the last menstrual period (LMP), or more precisely, 266 days following your last ovulation cycle (or approximately...

What is preeclampsia? How does it affect pregnancy?

A condition in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, sometimes with fluid retention and proteinuria are known as preeclampsia. In pregnant women having normal BP, preeclampsia mostly begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy which may lead to serious, even fatal, complications for both mom and baby. Using Healtheoz HMOM app, we can make a track of our diet & exercise so as to avoid any such complication in pregnancy & to make our 9 months...

Which fruits can cause miscarriage at 6 months of pregnancy?

Papayas, especially the unripe and semi-ripe ones are rich in latex, which can cause uterine contractions and create complications. Pineapple contains bromelain, a type of enzyme, they can break down proteins in the body and lead to abnormal bleeding. Caffeine intake should be to less than 200 mg per day, or about 2–3 cups of coffee while pregnancy, taking high caffeine during pregnancy should restrict fetal growth and increase the risk of low...

Is it harmful to skip meals during pregnancy?

Your developing baby will extract all the nutrients essential for its growth through the placenta & your blood. Therefore, your diet is important for the proper growth of your baby. Baby’s organ which is formed during the first few weeks of pregnancy, require certain vitamins & minerals to develop correctly. However, skipping meals will cause harm to you and your baby. Therefore, you need a continuous intake of nutritious food for proper...

What are the problems faced by women after pregnancy?

Your body has been through quite the ordeal to give birth to your baby, and you will need adequate time to recover. With a normal, vaginal birth you will bleed for a few weeks following birth as well as feel pain in the genital area (especially if you tore during delivery). You may also experience hemorrhoids (due to pushing), and lower back pain for about 3 months following delivery. A cesarean section, on the other hand, will have additional itching...

What are some stress management tips for pregnant women?

For a mom-to-be, it is normal to be stressed about the changes happening in their life & body. If they are stressed once in a while, it may not cause any harm to their baby. But if they are stressed day in & day out, it’s better to visit your doctor for help. Extreme stress can increase the chances of premature birth as well as low birth weight. Reducing stress during pregnancy can help you enjoy this period which can be done by following...