How does pregnancy affect exercise?

Exercise affects our body and mind we all know but when you are pregnant situation may get reversed. Pregnancy can affect your daily routine of exercise and you may need to change your exercises and durations according to your stage of pregnancy because the changes in your body during pregnancy affect the way you exercise.
Your body reacts differently to exercise when you are pregnant.

Effects of pregnancy on exercise-
1. If you are fond of activities like jogging or tennis you may notice that during pregnancy your body balance is not supporting these activities because after 20 weeks your abdomen throws off your center of gravity.

2. During pregnancy hard and a longer workout is not advisable if you try that u may even feel that you lose your breath much sooner now during workouts. Yes! The reason is pregnancy; day by day growing uterus crowds your lung and you feel out of breaths during exercise.

3. During pregnancy heart beats faster it is natural because during pregnancy heart works for your baby too. This means that you cannot exercise as vigorously as you used to exercise before pregnancy.

4. During pregnancy volume of blood increases and interesting part of this information is that more blood is channeled to internal organs like the uterus and less to our body muscles, this means during exercise muscles tire more quickly in pregnancy.

5. Be cautious of sprains and falls during exercise because due to the production of relaxin hormone your pelvic joints start getting relaxed for childbirth and it also loosens all the ligaments and joints of your body.

6. Last but not least, due to increased blood flow and a higher metabolic rate you may feel warmer than usual when you exercise during pregnancy and you might become overheated sooner.
This can be dangerous.

You can see that these things change the way you exercise during pregnancy. And exercise during pregnancy is not the same as before because your body reacts differently to any physical exertion now, you have to be more careful of how exercise affects not only you but your pregnancy too.


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