Is cramping during early pregnancy normal

It can be, usually at the very beginning of the pregnancy and again later in pregnancy as you approach your due date. Many women also experience a pelvic discomfort known as round ligament pain. It is considered normal in pregnancy.

It occurs in the second trimester when the round ligaments, which supports the uterus in the pelvis, begin to stretch as the uterus grows. Moving slowly helps. It eventually subsides as the pregnancy progress. Spotting or bleeding, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain or cramping, can be an early sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy (when the embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes).

An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, which is one of the reasons it's important to let your practitioner know immediately if you have bleeding or pain in your first trimester. Just be assured that your practitioner specializes in women’s health, as there are certain acupressure points that may cause uterine cramping. Bleeding, cramping and pelvic pain are common signs but it's not absolute. Always call your provider if such signs develop. In the last three months of pregnancy, you may find that you have more leg cramps.

Get plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or a supplement) and potassium (oranges or bananas). Stretching your legs before going to bed can help relieve cramps. Avoid pointing your toes when stretching or exercising. Anything to the severity is harmful to you and your baby. So please keep a track on your daily activities and consult your doctor in any case. You can also download Healtheoz HMom application and keep yourself tracked and log your daily symptoms into an application and talk to an intelligent bot so as to avoid any sort of hassles.


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