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Why am I so tired at 17 weeks pregnant?

Feeling tired is normal, especially during the early months. It usually improves mid-pregnancy and often recurs in the weeks just before birth. Now you can see that all the features, muscles bones, blood, etc. of your baby i.e all the body parts are getting fully developed. For this more nourishment is required which comes from you, so unless you eat more and take proper nutrition, you are bound to feel tired. The extra weight you are carrying will make your body work harder than before you were pregnant. Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles being worked and away from other parts of your body.

 Therefore, it is important to not overdo it. Try to exercise moderately so you don’t get tired quickly. If you are able to talk normally while exercising, your heart rate is at an acceptable level. The type of exercise you can do during pregnancy depends on your health and how active you were before you became pregnant. This is not a good time to take up a new, hard sport. If you were active before, you can continue to be within reason.

 If, for example, you play tennis, you can still play unless you have special problems or feel very tired. A good rule of thumb is to limit exertion to about 2/3 of what you could do before pregnancy. Eat nutritious food throughout your pregnancy and keep yourself hydrated all the time. Eat your folic acid tablets and other prenatal vitamins on time. And most importantly keep yourself calm and meditate if possible to ease the changes you go through.

What are the types of pain during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the challenging times to so of the women while some have easy going pregnancy time without any disastrous symptoms. Most of the women suffer from different pain while some have easy going pregnancy time without any disastrous symptoms. Some of the pains during pregnancy are :

Back Pain
Back pain or discomfort is common during pregnancy and should be expected to some degree by most women. Back pain may be experienced during any point of your pregnancy; however, it most commonly occurs later in the pregnancy as the weight of the baby increases. Try to sleep on side during, elevate your legs when you sit , go for hot water bottle to make yourself comfortable, if it persists more consult your health provider .

Headaches during pregnancy
Headaches are common during pregnancy. Usually headaches do not signal a serious problem. How often they occur and how bad they are may vary. It is important to discuss with your health care team which medications you can use for the headache. You should contact your doctor if your headache does not go away, returns very often, is very severe, causes blurry vision or spots in front of your eyes, or is accompanied by severe nausea.

Lower Abdominal Pain
Usually Lower Abdominal Pain is common in pregnancy as the baby is growing and your organs has to locate and shift with the expanding of the baby sac (uterus) , so it causes pain on your lower abdomen accompanied with the ligament pain . But it can be serious as well, if the pain is severe consulting doctor would be more pertinent.

Breast Pain and Tenderness
The pregnancy causes hormonal changes in your body which causes you mood swings ,as the breast pain which results due to the rise in the estrogen and progesterone . So try to wear comfortable supportive bras , avoid any fitted clothes which can make you uncomfortable and increase the chances of miscarriage.

Leg Cramps, Muscle Cramps
Cramps are normal during pregnancy. You may find that you have more leg cramps as you enter into your last trimester of pregnancy. Get plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or a supplement) and potassium (oranges or bananas). Stretching your legs before going to bed can help relieve cramps. Avoid pointing your toes when stretching or exercising.

Is cramping during early pregnancy normal

It can be, usually at the very beginning of the pregnancy and again later in pregnancy as you approach your due date. Many women also experience a pelvic discomfort known as round ligament pain. It is considered normal in pregnancy.

It occurs in the second trimester when the round ligaments, which supports the uterus in the pelvis, begin to stretch as the uterus grows. Moving slowly helps. It eventually subsides as the pregnancy progress. Spotting or bleeding, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain or cramping, can be an early sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy (when the embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes).

An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, which is one of the reasons it's important to let your practitioner know immediately if you have bleeding or pain in your first trimester. Just be assured that your practitioner specializes in women’s health, as there are certain acupressure points that may cause uterine cramping. Bleeding, cramping and pelvic pain are common signs but it's not absolute. Always call your provider if such signs develop. In the last three months of pregnancy, you may find that you have more leg cramps.

Get plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or a supplement) and potassium (oranges or bananas). Stretching your legs before going to bed can help relieve cramps. Avoid pointing your toes when stretching or exercising. Anything to the severity is harmful to you and your baby. So please keep a track on your daily activities and consult your doctor in any case. You can also download Healtheoz HMom application and keep yourself tracked and log your daily symptoms into an application and talk to an intelligent bot so as to avoid any sort of hassles.

How to Get Rid Of Post Pregnancy Belly

No. of pregnant ladies feels that they will get back their pre-pregnancy belly once they deliver the baby. Be that as it may, this does not show. Indeed, even after labor, you will, in any case, have around the belly that will make you look as though you are as yet conveying. So how to get rid of the baby belly?

You will also have the stretch marks and the dim line that keeps running down the mid-region. The individuals who have had a C-segment delivery will have an extra scar in light of the medical procedure. It is important that you keep tolerance and give time for your after birth bellies to return to shape.

The belly does not return to the pre-pregnant size following conveyance. It is a gradual advancement and can be can be achieved with the correct eating diet and exercise.
How can you tone down your pregnancy belly?
It requires a smidgen of diligent work to get your post-pregnancy midsection down to the pre-pregnancy size. To lose your tummy fat here is the thing that you should do.
  •       It is essential that you do some direct activities and to begin with, slow walks are the best. It is good enough even if you can walk for some short distance. This is sufficient to begin consuming calories. In the long run, you can expand the power by running and after that running. You can include your child in these activities. Spot the baby in the stroller and begin walking or running with them, baby.

  •        Begin doing some quality exercise like Pilate and yoga. You could do some pelvic tilts and afterward continue including to the activities. Exercising post-delivery is to go slow and not stain yourself.

  •        It is essential that you think about what you eat. Your eating diet must include nutritious fruits. Additionally, include lean meat and protein in your eating diet. Low-fat dairy nourishment is a decent decision. In any case, take care that to lose your paunch fat you don't need to starve yourself. In the event that you skirt your dinners, at that point, it brings down your digestion that makes it much difficult hard to lose your belly fat.

  •       It is essential that you think about what you eat. Your eating diet must include nutritious fruits. Additionally, include lean meat and protein in your eating diet. Low-fat dairy nourishment is a decent decision. In any case, take care that to lose your belly fat you don't need to starve yourself. In the event that you skirt your dinners, at that point, it brings down your digestion that makes it much difficult hard to lose your belly fat.

Losing the belly fat is a slow procedure and it requires investment. It is vital that you give your body plentiful time to get restored and at exactly that point focus on working harder to reduce the belly fat.

Nine months took to develop that gut thus keep persistence since it will require some investment to lose it. It is informed that you drink parts regarding water all during that time since it keeps your body hydrated. This helps the skin to be flexible, sheds pounds and is useful for your wellbeing when all is said in done.

How can I prevent some of the changes your body goes through during pregnancy?

Pregnancy has a very dominant impact on a woman mentally as well as physically. Avoid any activity that puts you at risk for falling or increases the chance of trauma to your abdomen. Some examples include amusement park rides, downhill skiing, and contact sports. You need about 300 extra calories a day, especially later in your pregnancy, when your baby grows quickly. These calories should come from nutritious foods. Before beginning any exercise program, talk with your doctor to make sure you do not have any obstetric or health conditions that would limit your activity. Ask about any specific exercise or sports that interest you. Your doctor can offer advice about what type of exercise routine is best for you.

The extra weight you are carrying will make your body work harder than before you were pregnant. Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles being worked and away from other parts of your body. Therefore, it is important to not overdo it.

Try to exercise moderately so you don’t get tired quickly. If you are able to talk normally while exercising, your heart rate is at an acceptable level. Inhaling volatile paint fumes is not good for any human, pregnant or not. While normal casual exposure to paint does not cause birth defects, use good judgment if you are painting and make sure the room is well ventilated. Exposure to very high temperatures (more than 103 degrees F) for long periods of time in baths, hot tubs or saunas can increase the risk of spina bifida during the first 2 months of pregnancy. Normal temperature baths (98-101 degrees) are safe and can be very relaxing.

The use of saunas, hot tubs, and tanning booths is not recommended during pregnancy. The extreme temperature could potentially damage the developing baby. Also, extremely hot baths are not recommended during pregnancy. Bath temperatures should be below 100 degrees. During pregnancy, the extra hormones in your body may cause your gums to swell and bleed. Floss and brush regularly, using a soft toothbrush, to keep your teeth in good shape. Having a dental check-up early in pregnancy is a good idea to be sure your mouth is healthy

What Happens To Your Body During Childbirth?

A woman’s body is designed by nature to experience labor. Her pelvis, muscles, and hormones work cooperate and in harmony to bring the baby into the world. These start to work as soon as the woman considers and until she conveys.

The Pelvis, the uterus, and the cervix
It is imperative to initially comprehend the life systems of the pelvis, uterus, and the cervix. You also need to think about its structure and how it surrounds the infant.

  •   The pelvis and its muscles and bones offer help to the uterus and the baby that is developing and it also offers the entry through which the child will get delivered.
  •   The uterus around the baby and it grows with the baby.
  •    A part of the uterus, the cervix, is comprised of different tissues. At the pregnancy organizes, the cervix is shut and thick. In any case, when the pregnancy advances and achieves the pregnancy labor arrange the withdrawals cause the cervix to come up in the uterus and this at that point turns out to be thin and opens which is known as dilation. When the cervix is dilated totally, the withdrawals will give the baby a chance to begin to move from the uterus into the vagina.  
  •  The vagina is the entry of the cervix to the outside and its inside has so many  folds known as rugae that continues unfolding when the child goes through it

The Body Prepares For Childbirth:

Braxton Hicks Contractions

Before the best possible withdrawals begin to happen the lady's body begins to encounter Braxton hick's compressions. This is the point at which the uterus will fix and unwind. The compressions are not agonizing and it helps the cervix and the uterus to plan for work.

Braxton hicks’ contraction begins to get more frequent close to labor.

Changes in the Cervix

The cervix turns out to be flimsy and prepares to be enlarged that enables the child to go into the vagina. You could also watch some bodily fluid that is bloodstained.


In this stage, the infant moves down from the pelvis and its head gets ready for engagement. This is the point at which the infant's head sits in its place over the cervix and prepares for birth. A few ladies experience helping at this phase where they feel that they gave more space to move around.

Water Break or Membrane Rupture

The sac that contains the amniotic liquid and the infant breaks before the withdrawals begin. The lady encounters some liquid spouting out of the vagina which is water breaking. The watercolor is light yellow yet in the event that it is green or red, at that point this shows the child is harried.

On the off chance that your water breaks however you don't experience any contraction in 24 hours at that point work would need to be actuated somewhere else is a danger of getting infected.


It is important to know what happens in your body as it is helpful to let you prepare for birth. It will let you understand the signals of your body and participate in pregnancy childbirth.

Weekly Pregnancy Workout Schedule

I have been asked what my pre-birth exercise plan comprises of every week. It really does not shift excessively and remains equal from week to week. I am as of now still in the first trimester and will be for an additional a month or something like that. When I move into the second trimester, I will quit doing practices while lying on my back. Other than that, things ought to remain the same until I give birth!

Workout in pregnancy
It is suggested that you have a pregnancy exercise plan and follow it. The vast majority of the pregnant ladies don't work out during their pregnancy yet one should understand its advantages for both the mother and the baby.

The pregnant ladies bashful far from imagining that they have to contribute lots of energy and time to practice yet it is the quality and the consistency of the activities that you do is the main thing.

Workouts in pregnancy
Quality preparing and weight preparing is important in pregnancy. Quality preparing should be separated from your pregnancy exercise plan since it keeps your back and your center muscles solid and this spares you from aches and pain.
It also helps you to have a tight and lean body and lifts the brains of the child. The quality preparing exercise does not let the tummy muscles to expand.
Cardio practices are also suggested in pregnancy and should be made a piece of your pregnancy exercise plan.

Aside from this, you could also enjoy some strolling and swimming when pregnant. It is tied in with remaining solid and fit in pregnant so you have smooth work. Exercising during pregnancy also gives your body a chance to return to its unique shape soon.

Pregnancy workout schedule
You may wish to follow the below pregnant exercise plan. However, take care to go moderate and comprehend what your psyche and your body say to you. Each pregnant lady is unique and in this manner, you should understand your body motions before you do any type of activity. In the event that you feel that the activity is too-strenuous and something that your body can't adapt up to then quit doing the activity. Also, take care that you address your specialist before you begin any type of activity in pregnancy.

Here is my workout schedule for the week:

·         Incline Training
·         Squats
·         Lunges
·         Kicks

·         Incline Training
·         Dumble curls
·         Kickbacks
·         Overhead press
·         Bench-press

·         Incline Training
·         Squats
·         Lunges
·         Kicks

·         Incline Training
·         Squats
·         Lunges
·         Kicks

·         Incline training
·         Squats
·         Lunges
·         Kicks

·         Walk

The abs should not be worked out in pregnancy. It is important to realize that every one of these activities may not be appropriate for all ladies. Thus, it is best that one trains under a specialist coach so he can direct which practices are best to do in pregnancy. It is important to clues your bodies pieces of information and not strain yourself when practicing during pregnancy
Also to remain fit and healthy in pregnancy isn't only necessary to practice but also to stay active and eat a solid eating routine. These add to a healthy pregnancy.