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What makes you feel so terrible during pregnancy?

Morning sickness and insomnia are somethings which makes the pregnancy period very terrible. Morning sickness" is a misnomer. (In fact, the technical medical term is "nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.") For some pregnant women, the symptoms are worst in the morning and ease up over the course of the day, but they can strike at any time and, for most women, last all day long. The intensity of symptoms can vary from woman to woman, too. Overall, this...

Which is the correct month for intake of folic acid during pregnancy?

Folic acid is a B vitamin that has been shown to reduce the risk of spina bifida. 1 mg (1000 micrograms) is recommended during the month prior to pregnancy and for the first 2 months after conception to reduce this risk. More folic acid may be recommended if you have a personal or family history of spina bifida including a prior affected child. A prenatal vitamin is a general multivitamin with 800-1000 micrograms of folic acid, as well as calcium...

How long after my period can I get pregnant?

This has not a certain period because every woman has a different menstrual cycle. There are so many general theories u must come through in the answers given here, but one should keep in one’s mind that pregnancy can be occurred after having sex at any point. I know so many women they got pregnant after having sex right after their periods, some got a pregnant third or fourth day of their periods and some of them got pregnant on the tenth or...

Why do I have trouble sleeping while pregnant?

The best sleep position during pregnancy is "SOS" (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby. Keep your legs and knees bent and a pillow between your legs.  • If you find that you are having problems with back pain, use the "SOS" position and try placing a pillow under your abdomen as well.  • If you are experiencing...

Is it safe to eat king fish during pregnancy? What foods should be avoided and why?

Raw and undercooked egg - You should avoid raw, undercooked eggs as they contain harmful salmonella bacteria which cause food poisoning.  Raw meat and poultry - undercooked and raw meat and poultry, such as pink or raw meat that is bloody contain Toxoplasma parasite and harmful bacteria Salmonella. Salmonella increases the risk of food poisoning and leads to miscarriage or fetal death during delivery also. You can eat homemade well-cooked...

After how many days of vomiting start in pregnancy?

Pregnancy sickness is the most common medical condition of early pregnancy, but how bad it varies widely from woman to woman. You may get the odd bout of mild queasiness when you first wake up or find that certain smells trigger waves of nausea throughout the day. You may have to endure weeks or even months of feeling or being sick morning, noon and night. The number of times one may vomit is dependent on one’s individual condition and health and...

Will I never get my pre-pregnancy body back?

Yes, you can get the body back but you need to take some tips to be followed on a daily basis. More concentration, dedication, and patience are the key that can help you in reducing your weight post pregnancy. There are some points which are been highlighted that can help in getting up to mark: 1. Proper Diet Intake: Eat well-balanced meals of protein, carbohydrates and little saturated fat. Make sure you add a variety of vegetables and pulses...